Culture Shock

Culture Shock

Culture Shock

"Culture shock"
Episodio de Bob Esponja
Título choque cultural
shock cultural'
Episodio  Temporada 1
Episodio 10º
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culture shock(en latinoamerica choque culturaly esn españa chock cultural)es un episodio de Bob Esponja de la temporada 1.


Cuando el Krusty Krab no hay clientes,Calamardo Tentáculos se lee una revista de danzas, Bob Esponja esta limpiando de cualqiuer susiedad y Don Cangrejo espera a que alguien venga por ensaladas gratis ,un cliente viene y le pide a bob cambio para la cabina telefonica,cuando este cliente se va y deja una moneda ,cangrejo literalmente se lanza deseperado por dicha modneda,mas tarde don cangrejo convoca una reunion para atraer mas clientes a bob se le ocurre llenarse de almejas,regalar calsetines y eventos nocturnos finalmente se decidio que hicieran un show de talentos para el publico presendandosele una opordunidad a calamardo, bob le pide a calamardo que si lo deja participar pero calamardo se niega que bob haga de las suyas con talentos Bizarrosy ridiculos para calamardo,en la noche sevio al os que presentan su talento bob pide participar una vez mas y calamardo la asigna ser un conserje para callar a bob llegan los mismos papas de bob a ver talentos entonses pasan a Perlita,Gary y Plankton hata llegar a calamardo pero su acto no fue lo que se espero y muchos de el publico pagaron por arrojarle tomates a calamardo bob le toco limpiar y eso fue lo que le fasino al publico y enorgullesio a sus amigos y famailares.


  • Cuando Plankton hizo su truco habia una gran mancha debajo de el pero cuando se va no hay mancha.

Enlaces externos

Episodio online (video latino)

Obtenido de "Culture Shock"

Wikimedia foundation. 2010.

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Mira otros diccionarios:

  • culture shock — culture .shock n [singular, U] the feeling of being confused or anxious that you get when you visit a foreign country or a place that is very different from the one you are used to ▪ India is where I first experienced real culture shock. ▪ Moving …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • culture shock — UK US noun [C] ► a feeling of confusion felt by someone visiting a country or place that they do not know: »It was a real culture shock to find herself in London after living on a small island …   Financial and business terms

  • culture shock — n a sense of confusion and uncertainty sometimes with feelings of anxiety that may affect people exposed to an alien culture or environment without adequate preparation …   Medical dictionary

  • culture shock — culture ,shock noun count or uncount the nervous or confused feeling that people sometimes get when they arrive in a place that has a very different culture from their own …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • culture shock — ☆ culture shock n. the alienation, confusion, surprise, etc. that may be experienced by someone encountering unfamiliar surroundings, a strange city or community, a different culture, etc …   English World dictionary

  • Culture shock — For uses of Culture Shock as a proper noun, see Culture shock (disambiguation). Culture shock is the difficulty people have adjusting to a new culture that differs markedly from their own. Enthusiastic welcome offered to the first Indian student… …   Wikipedia

  • culture shock — noun a condition of disorientation affecting someone who is suddenly exposed to an unfamiliar culture or way of life or set of attitudes • Hypernyms: ↑disorientation * * * noun : a feeling of confusion, doubt, or nervousness caused by being in a… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Culture shock — Kulturschock Der Begriff Kulturschock bezeichnet den schockartigen Gefühlszustand, in den Menschen verfallen können, wenn sie mit einer fremden Kultur zusammentreffen. Der Begriff wurde von Cora DuBois, einer US amerikanischen Anthropologin 1951… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Culture Shock — A feeling of uncertainty, confusion or anxiety that people experience when visiting, doing business in or living in a society that is different from their own. Culture shock can arise from a person s unfamiliarity with local customs, language and …   Investment dictionary

  • culture shock — UK / US noun [countable/uncountable] Word forms culture shock : singular culture shock plural culture shocks the nervous or confused feeling that people sometimes get when they arrive in a place that has a very different culture from their own …   English dictionary

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