Daily Worker

Daily Worker

Daily Worker

El Daily Worker fue un periódico editado en Nueva York por el Partido Comunista de los Estados Unidos, una organización afiliada a la Internacional Comunista. La publicación comenzó en 1924. Generalmente reflejaba el punto de vista del partido, aunque se llevaban a cabo intentos de que el periódico mostrara todo espectro de opiniones de los partidos de izquierdas. La publicación llegó a vender 35 000 ejemplares. Entre los importantes contribuyentes a estas páginas se encontraban Robert Minor y Fred Ellis (dibujantes), Lester Rodney (editor de deportes), David Karr, Richard Wright, Peter Fryer y Louis Budenz.

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Wikimedia foundation. 2010.

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  • Daily Worker — For the British paper, see The Morning Star. The Daily Worker was a newspaper published in New York City by the Communist Party USA, a formerly Comintern affiliated organization. Publication began in 1924.[1] While it generally reflected the… …   Wikipedia

  • Daily Worker — Der Daily Worker war eine Tageszeitung, die von der Kommunistischen Partei der USA von 1924 bis 1956 in New York herausgegeben wurde. Sie stellte zumeist die Meinung der Partei dar, versuchte jedoch auch hin und wieder, sich einem weiteren linken …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Daily Worker — ➡ Morning Star. * * * ▪ American newspaper now known as  People s Weekly World  (since 1999), formerly  The Worker  (1958–68) , Daily World  (1968–86) , and  People s Daily World        newspaper published in New York City that generally reflects …   Universalium

  • daily worker — worker who is paid by the day (as opposed to one who is given a monthly or weekly salary) …   English contemporary dictionary

  • The Daily Worker — Der Daily Worker war eine Tageszeitung, die von der Kommunistischen Partei der USA von 1924 bis 1956 in New York herausgegeben wurde. Sie stellte zumeist die Meinung der Partei dar, versuchte jedoch auch hin und wieder, sich einem weiteren linken …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • The Daily Worker (band) — The Daily Worker is an indie/rock/electronica band from Logan, Utah that was founded in 2003. Their songs include Precious Picture , Diamonds , Crystal Factory , and the Hunters . Their music is along the lines of the following styles: synthpop,… …   Wikipedia

  • (the) Daily Worker — the Daily Worker [the Daily Worker] » ↑Morning Star …   Useful english dictionary

  • Daily Star (United Kingdom) — Daily Star Type Daily newspaper Format Tabloid Owner Richard Desmond …   Wikipedia

  • Daily Bread Co-operative — is a Christian workers co operative specialising in packing and selling various wholefoods. It was the first Workers Co operative to register under what is now known as the white rules , and is listed as Co op number 1 under the Industrial Common …   Wikipedia

  • worker — worker, workman, workingman, laborer, craftsman, handicraftsman, mechanic, artisan, hand, operative, roustabout can all mean one who earns his living by labor, especially by manual labor. Worker, the most comprehensive and least specific of these …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

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