Decapod 10

Decapod 10

Decapod 10

Decapod 10 es el planeta natal del Doctor Zoidberg y de los demás Decapodianos en la serie animada Futurama, de Matt Groening. Es muy parecido a una gran playa gigantesca en el que hasta los edificios están construidos de arena.

Es visitado regularmente para celebrar el frenesí, un acto en el cual las criaturas de este planeta buscan pareja para dar paso a nuevas generaciones. Pero luego del frenesi, al igual que muchas criaturas marinas reales, los participantes mueren y son devorados por gaviotas.

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Mira otros diccionarios:

  • Decapod 10 — est une planète de l univers de la série télévisée Futurama. Il s agit de la planète d origine du Dr. Zoidberg. Les habitants de cette planètes se reproduisent une fois dans leur vie, avant de mourir. À noter qu on voit des vieux habitants de… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • decapod — DECAPÓD, decapode, s.n. 1. (La pl.) Ordin de crustacee cu zece picioare; (şi la sg.) crustaceu care face parte din acest ordin. 2. (La pl.) Ordin de cefalopode care au zece tentacule şi un rudiment de cochilie; (şi la sg.) moluscă din acest ordin …   Dicționar Român

  • Decapod — Dec a*pod (d[e^]k [.a]*p[o^]d), n. [Cf. F. d[ e]capode.] (Zo[ o]l.) A crustacean with ten feet or legs, as a crab; one of the {Decapoda}. Also used adjectively, as a decapod crustacean. [1913 Webster] || …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • decapod — 1835 as a type of crustacean having 10 legs, from Fr. décapode (1806), from Mod.L. Decapoda (animalia), from Gk. dekapoda, neut. pl. of dekapous ten footed (see TEN (Cf. ten) + FOOT (Cf. foot)). From 1888 as a type of locomotive …   Etymology dictionary

  • decapod — ► NOUN ▪ a crustacean with five pairs of walking legs, such as a shrimp. ORIGIN from Greek deka ten + pous foot …   English terms dictionary

  • decapod — [dek′ə päd΄] adj. [< ModL Decapoda, name of the order: see DECA & POD] ten legged n. 1. any of an order (Decapoda) of crustaceans having ten legs, as a lobster, shrimp, or crab 2. a squid decapodal [di kap′ə dəl] adj. decapodous [di kap′ədəs]… …   English World dictionary

  • Decapod — Several things share the name decapod, from the Greek decapoda meaning ten legged : Crustaceans in the Order Decapoda, such as lobsters and crabs Several steam locomotive wheel arrangements were also called Decapods, especially the 2 10 0 Decapod …   Wikipedia

  • decapod — decapodan /deuh kap euh dn/, adj., n. decapodous, adj. /dek euh pod /, n. 1. any crustacean of the order Decapoda, having five pairs of walking legs, including the crabs, lobsters, crayfish, prawns, and shrimps. 2. any dibranchiate cephalopod… …   Universalium

  • decapod — noun Etymology: New Latin Decapoda, from deca + poda pod Date: 1826 1. any of an order (Decapoda) of crustaceans (as shrimps, lobsters, and crabs) with five pairs of thoracic appendages one or more of which are modified into pincers, with stalked …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Decapod — noun A decapod, the 0 10 0 and 2 10 0 steam locomotive configurations …   Wiktionary

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