Dime novel

Dime novel

Dime novel

Un ejempo de dime novel original, circa 1860.

Se conoce como Dime Novel (novela de diez centavos), a un tipo de publicación que alcanzó popularidad en la segunda mitad del siglo XIX hasta inicios del siglo XX en los Estados Unidos. Estas obras iban dirigidas a entretener a amplios sectores populares en ediciones masivas. Los temas que predominaron eran relativos al género Western; pero también incluyeron los relativos a asuntos detectivescos, románticos, delincuenciales, etc.

Su difusión fue favorecida por el desarrollo de las comunicaciones y de la imprenta.

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  • Dime Novel — Page de couverture de The fighting trapper : or, Kit Carson to the rescue. A tale of wild life on the plains de Edward Sylvester Ellis, New York : Frank Starr and Co., 1874. (OCLC 6455351) …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Dime novel — Dime Dime (d[imac]m), n. [F. d[^i]me tithe, OF. disme, fr. L. decimus the tenth, fr. decem ten. See {Decimal}.] A silver coin of the United States, of the value of ten cents; the tenth of a dollar. [1913 Webster] {Dime novel}, a novel, commonly… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • dime novel — ☆ dime novel n. a hack paperback novel of a type popular in the later 19th and early 20th cent., usually sensational or melodramatic and originally costing a dime …   English World dictionary

  • dime novel — dime .novel n AmE a cheap book with a story that contains a lot of exciting events …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Dime novel — This article is about U.S. novels. For the British versions, see Story papers and Penny Dreadfuls. An example of the original dime novel series, circa 1860. Dime novel, though it has a specific meaning, has also become a catch all term for… …   Wikipedia

  • Dime novel — Page de couverture de The fighting trapper : or, Kit Carson to the rescue. A tale of wild life on the plains de Edward Sylvester Ellis, New York : Frank Starr and Co., 1874. (OCLC 6455351) Le terme dime novel (le « roman à trois… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • dime novel — noun a melodramatic paperback novel • Syn: ↑penny dreadful • Hypernyms: ↑novel * * * ˈdime novel 7 [dime novel] noun ( …   Useful english dictionary

  • dime novel — a cheap melodramatic or sensational novel, usually in paperback and selling for ten cents, esp. such an adventure novel popular c1850 to c1920. [1860 65, Amer.] * * * ▪ literature       a type of inexpensive, usually paperback, melodramatic novel …   Universalium

  • DIME NOVEL (littérature) — DIME NOVEL, littérature Prendre quelques écrivains mineurs très prolifiques, beaucoup de papier recyclé, choisir des titres évocateurs, imprimer des couvertures illustrées d’images simples qui parlent au cœur en harmonie avec le contenu… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • dime novel — dime′ nov′el n. a cheap melodramatic or sensational novel, usu. in paperback, esp. of the period c1850 to c1920 • Etymology: 1860–65, amer …   From formal English to slang

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