E. M. Nathanson

E. M. Nathanson

E. M. Nathanson

E.M.Natheson novelista estadounidense, nacido en 1928, es el escritor de la novela Doce del patíbulo, publicada en 1965 y que se hizo famosa a raíz de la adaptación cinematográfica que en 1967 realizó Robert Aldrich. Además de esta novela ha publicado Caballeros de la Cruz y Una sucia guerra distante.

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  • Nathanson, Mendel Levin — (1780 1868)    Danish merchant and journalist. He was born in Altona, and moved to Copenhagen at the age of 12. From 1798 he was a wholesale draper. In 1838 he became editor of the newspaper Berlingske Tidende. He worked for the emancipation of… …   Dictionary of Jewish Biography

  • Matt Nathanson — performing at the El Mocambo in Toronto, Canada on October 8, 2007. Background information Born March 28, 1973 (1973 03 …   Wikipedia

  • Nancy Nathanson — Member of the Oregon House of Representatives from the 13th district Incumbent Assumed office 2006 …   Wikipedia

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