Text Editor and Corrector

Text Editor and Corrector

TECO (pronunciado /tee'koh/; originalmente un acrónimo para [paper] Tape Editor and COrrector, pero más tarde Text Editor and COrrector) es un editor de texto originalmente desarrollado en el MIT en la decáda de 1960, después de la cual fue modificado por «simplemente todos». Con todos los dialectos incluidos, TECO puede haber sido el editor más prolífico en uso antes del editor vi (más tarde incluido en muchos sistemas Unix), y antes del editor Emacs, del cual TECO fue un ancestro directo ('Emacs' originalmente proviene de Editing MACroS funcionando en TECO).

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Mira otros diccionarios:

  • Text Editor and Corrector — TECO (pronounced /tee koh/; originally an acronym for [paper] Tape Editor and COrrector , but later Text Editor and COrrector ) is a text editor originally developed at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in the 1960s, after which it… …   Wikipedia

  • TECO (Editor) — TECO (ursprünglich Tape Editor and COrrector, später Text Editor and COrrector) ist ein Editor für Rechner der Firma DEC. Entwickelt wurde TECO 1962/63 von Daniel L. Murphy[1] für die PDP 1 am MIT. Ursprünglich wurde TECO dazu benutzt,… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Emacs — infobox software caption = GNU Emacs with multiple buffers and syntax highlighting for LaTeX, C#, and C. developer = the GNU project author = Richard Stallman released = release year|1976 frequently updated = yes programming language =… …   Wikipedia

  • TECO — abbr. Tape / Text Editor and COrrector (MIT) acronym Tape Editor and COrrector acronym Text Editor and COrrector …   United dictionary of abbreviations and acronyms

  • TECO (Texteditor) — TECO (ursprünglich Tape Editor and COrrector, später Text Editor and COrrector) ist ein Texteditor für Rechner der Firma DEC. Entwickelt wurde TECO 1962/63 von Daniel L. Murphy[1] für die PDP 1 am MIT. Ursprünglich wurde TECO dazu benutzt,… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Jesus and the woman taken in adultery — Christ and the Woman Taken in Adultery redirects here. For the painting by Bruegel, see Christ and the Woman Taken in Adultery (Bruegel). Christ with the Woman Taken in Adultery, by Guercino, 1621 (Dulwich Picture Gallery). The Pericope Adulterae …   Wikipedia

  • TECO — est un éditeur de texte développé au MIT dans les années 60, puis modifié par « un peu tout le monde ». Son nom signifiait à l origine « [paper] Tape Editor and COrrector » (« Éditeur et Correcteur de Bande… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • OS/8 — Infobox OS name = OS/8 logo = caption = developer = Digital Equipment Corporation source model = kernel type = supported platforms = PDP 8 ui = Command line interface family = DEC OS family latest release version = latest release date = marketing …   Wikipedia

  • TECO — may refer to* TECO, the [http://www.tecotested.com/history Timber Engineering Company] , originally a research subsidiary of the American Forest Paper Association, best known for its TECO timber connectors, now sold and manufactured by Cleveland… …   Wikipedia

  • Daniel Murphy (computer scientist) — Daniel L. Murphy is an American computer scientist. Contents 1 Biography 2 References 3 Further reading 4 External links …   Wikipedia

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