El Fiscal

El Fiscal

El Fiscal

El Fiscal
Departamento Jáchal (San Juan - Argentina).png
País Bandera de Argentina Argentina
• Provincia Bandera de Provincia de San Juan San Juan
• departamento Jáchal
• Municipio de 2ª categoría Jáchal
Ubicación 30°15′00″S 68°40′60″O / -30.25, -68.6833330°15′00″S 68°40′60″O / -30.25, -68.68333
• Altitud 1.107 msnm
Población 242 hab. (INDEC, 2001)
• Crec.intercensal +7% (1991-2001) %
Código postal J5461
Pref. telefónico 02647
Intendente Franklin Raúl Sánchez Forja (AFMVyC)
Información oficial IFAM SJU007
Aglomerado urbano Pampa Vieja

El Fiscal es una localidad del Departamento Jáchal, Provincia de San Juan, Argentina.


Cuenta con 242 habitantes (INDEC, 2001). Se la incluye dentro del centro urbano de Pampa Vieja, cuya población total es de 566 habitantes (INDEC, 2001).

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Obtenido de "El Fiscal"

Wikimedia foundation. 2010.

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Mira otros diccionarios:

  • FISCAL (DROIT) — Technique libérale de financement des dépenses publiques, l’impôt est encore bien souvent ressenti par les contribuables comme une intrusion inique et une spoliation, puisqu’il entraîne une amputation des revenus ou du patrimoine, alors que sa… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Fiscal sponsorship — refers to the practice of non profit organizations offering their legal and tax exempt status to groups engaged in activities related to the organization s missions. It typically involves a fee based contractual arrangement between a project and… …   Wikipedia

  • fiscal — fiscal, ale, aux [ fiskal, o ] adj. • XIVe, rare av. XVIIe; lat. fiscalis ♦ Qui se rapporte au fisc, à l impôt. Droit fiscal. Politique, législation, lois fiscales. Charges fiscales. Dégrèvements fiscaux. Fraude fiscale. Timbre fiscal. Adv.… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Fiscal federalism — is a system of transfer payments or grants by which a federal government shares its revenues with lower levels of government.Federal governments use this power to enforce national rules and standards. There are two primary types of transfers,… …   Wikipedia

  • fiscal — (Del lat. fiscālis). 1. adj. Perteneciente o relativo al fisco o al oficio de fiscal. 2. com. Ministro encargado de promover los intereses del fisco. 3. Persona que representa y ejerce el ministerio público en los tribunales. 4. Persona que… …   Diccionario de la lengua española

  • Fiscal conservatism — (also known as economic conservatism) is a political phrase term used in North America to describe advocacy of lower governmental spending practices and a lower federal debt; It is used to define someone who advocates smaller government, less… …   Wikipedia

  • Fiscal drag — refers to the process where tax thresholds are either not adjusted for inflation, or fail to keep pace with earnings growth, causing in either case an automatic rise in tax revenues.Example of nominal fiscal dragSuppose a person earns $20,000 per …   Wikipedia

  • Fiscal incidence — is a concept within public finance, a sub discipline within economics, that refers to the combined overall economic impact of both government taxation and expenditures on the real economic income of individuals. While taxation reduces the… …   Wikipedia

  • Fiscal Procurator — • The duties of the fiscal procurator consist in preventing crime and safeguarding ecclesiastical law Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Fiscal Procurator     Fiscal Procurator …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • fiscal — fis‧cal [ˈfɪskl] adjective [only before a noun] FINANCE ECONOMICS TAX connected with government taxes, debts, and spending: • The fiscal deficit was estimated at $53,800,000 or 3.5% of gross national product. • The current fis …   Financial and business terms

  • Fiscal environmentalism — is a hybrid term of two traditional and often conflicting philosophies, environmentalism and fiscal conservatism, created to emphasize the growing understanding of the middle ground between the two, where the goals of each are simultaneously… …   Wikipedia

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