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  • Aftermath — is an agricultural term meaning the grass growing after the first cut of hay. It is now more commonly used figuratively to mean that which happens after a major event.Aftermath may also refer to:Literature* The Aftermath (novella), an unpublished …   Wikipedia

  • Aftermath — (englisch: „Nachwirkungen“, „Folgen“) ist: ein Musikalbum aus dem Jahr 1966 der englischen Rockband The Rolling Stones, siehe Aftermath (Album) ein auf Hip Hop spezialisiertes Plattenlabel, siehe Aftermath Entertainment die fünfte Jahreszeit im… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Aftermath — Aftermath  альбом группы The Rolling Stones. Aftermath  рок группа. Aftermath  сингл Tricky. Aftermath Entertainment  лейбл звукозаписи. Half Life 2: Aftermath  бывшее название игры Half Life 2: Episode One …   Википедия

  • aftermath — The original sense in agriculture (a second or later mowing or the crop of grass which springs up after the first mowing) is 16c (along with aftercrop and aftergrass) and the figurative sense is 17c. In its figurative meaning, aftermath usually… …   Modern English usage

  • Aftermath — Aft er*math, n. [After + math. See {Math}.] A second moving; the grass which grows after the first crop of hay in the same season; rowen. Holland. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • aftermath — I noun after effect, aftergrowth, by product, consequence, development, effect, end, event, gleanings, issue, offshoot, outcome, outgrowth, result, sequel, subsequence, succession, turnout, upshot II index consequence (conclusion), development ( …   Law dictionary

  • aftermath — (n.) 1520s, originally a second crop of grass grown after the first had been harvested, from AFTER (Cf. after) + math, a dialectal word, from O.E. mæð a mowing, cutting of grass (see MATH (Cf. math) (2)). Figurative sense by 1650s …   Etymology dictionary

  • aftermath — [n] situation following an event, occurrence after effects, causatum, chain reaction*, consequences, end, eventuality, flak*, impact, issue, outcome, payoff*, remainder, residual, residuum, results, upshot, waves*; concept 230 …   New thesaurus

  • aftermath — ► NOUN ▪ the consequences of an unpleasant or disastrous event. ORIGIN from AFTER(Cf. ↑after) + dialect math «mowing» …   English terms dictionary

  • aftermath — [af′tərmath΄, äf′tərmath΄] n. [ AFTER + obs. math, cutting of grass < OE mæth < māwan, to mow, with th suffix] 1. a second crop, as of grass that grows after the earlier mowing 2. a consequence of, or a state of affairs resulting from,… …   English World dictionary

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