FTSE 250 Index

FTSE 250 Index

FTSE 250 Index

El FTSE 250 Index (también conocido como Footsie) es un índice de capitalización mesurado de 250 empresas británicas en la Bolsa de Londres. Son las empresas más grandes seleccionadas trimestralmente de la 101 a la 350, teniendo su cotización principal en el índice. Promociones y degradaciones del índice se dan trimestralmente y tendrán lugar en marzo, junio, septiembre y diciembre. Este índice se calcula en tiempo real y se publican cada minuto.

Los índices relacionados son el FTSE 100 Index (que enumera las 100 mayores empresas), el FTSE 350 Index (que combina el FTSE 100 y 250), el FTSE SmallCap Index y el FTSE All-Share Index (que es la agregación de las FTSE 100 Index, FTSE 250 Index y el FTSE SmallCap Index).

Un buen número de empresas dentro de este índice son fondos de inversión. Al 30 de septiembre de 2008, la capitalización de mercado neto de índice FTSE 250 161 mil millones de libras esterlinas (o 13 por ciento del FTSE 100 Index)[1].

Lista de las compañías en el FTSE 250 Index

Reflejando el reemplazo de Aricom con Peter Hambro Mining efectivo el 22 de abril del 2009[2].

En orden alfabético:

  1. 3i
  2. 3i Infrastructure
  3. 888 Holdings
  4. ARM Holdings
  5. Aberdeen Asset Management
  6. Aberforth Smaller Companies Trust
  7. Absolute Return Trust
  8. Aegis Group
  9. Aggreko
  10. Alternative Investment Strategies
  11. Aquarius Platinum
  12. Arriva
  13. Ashmore Group
  14. Ashtead Group
  15. WS Atkins
  16. Aveva
  17. BBA Aviation
  18. BH Global
  19. BH Macro
  20. BSS Group
  21. BTG
  22. Babcock & Brown Public Partnerships
  23. Babcock International Group
  24. Bankers Investment Trust
  25. Baring Emerging Europe
  26. A.G. Barr
  27. Barratt Developments
  28. Beazley Group
  29. Bellway
  30. Berkeley Group Holdings
  31. Big Yellow Group
  32. BlackRock World Mining Trust
  33. Bluebay Asset Management
  34. Bluecrest Allblue Fund
  35. Bodycote International
  36. Bovis Homes Group
  37. Brewin Dolphin
  38. Brit Insurance Holdings
  39. British Assets Trust
  40. British Empire Securities and General Trust
  41. Britvic
  42. N Brown Group
  43. Burberry Group
  44. CSR
  45. Caledonia Investments
  46. Carillion
  47. Carpetright
  48. The Carphone Warehouse
  49. Catlin Group
  50. Charter
  51. Chaucer Holdings
  52. Chemring Group
  53. Chloride Group
  54. City of London Investment Trust
  55. Close Brothers Group
  56. COLT Telecom Group
  57. Computacenter
  58. Connaught
  59. Cookson Group
  60. Cranswick
  61. Croda International
  62. Daejan Holdings
  63. Daily Mail and General Trust
  64. Dairy Crest Group
  65. Dana Petroleum
  66. Davis Service Group
  67. De La Rue
  68. Debenhams
  69. Dechra Pharmaceuticals
  70. Derwent London
  71. Dexion Absolute
  72. Dignity
  73. Dimension Data
  74. Domino Printing Sciences
  75. Domino's Pizza UK & IRL
  76. DSG International
  77. Dunedin Income Growth Investment Trust
  78. Dunelm Group
  79. Eaga
  80. EasyJet
  81. Edinburgh Dragon Trust
  82. The Edinburgh Investment Trust
  83. Edinburgh UK Tracker Trust
  84. Electra Private Equity
  85. Electrocomponents
  86. Emerald Energy
  87. Enterprise Inns
  88. Euromoney Institutional Investor
  89. Evolution Group
  90. F&C Asset Management
  91. F&C Commercial Property Trust
  92. Ferrexpo
  93. Fidelity European Values
  94. Fidelity Special Values
  95. Fidessa Group
  96. Filtrona
  97. Finsbury Worldwide Pharmaceutical
  98. FirstGroup
  99. James Fisher & Sons
  100. Foreign & Colonial Eurotrust
  101. Forth Ports
  102. GKN
  103. Game Group
  104. Genus
  105. Go-Ahead Group
  106. Goldman Sachs Dynamic Opportunities
  107. Great Portland Estates
  108. Greene King
  109. Greggs
  110. HMV Group
  111. HSBC Infrastructure Company
  112. Halfords Group
  113. Halma
  114. Hansard Global
  115. Hargreaves Lansdown
  116. Hays
  117. Helical Bar
  118. Henderson Group
  119. Heritage Oil
  120. Hikma Pharmaceuticals
  121. Hiscox
  122. Hochschild Mining
  123. Homeserve
  124. Hunting
  125. IG Group Holdings
  126. IMI
  127. ITV
  128. Impax Environmental Markets
  129. Inchcape
  130. Informa
  131. Intermediate Capital Group
  132. International Personal Finance
  133. Interserve
  134. Investec
  135. JKX Oil & Gas
  136. JPMorgan American Investment Trust
  137. JPMorgan Asian Investment Trust
  138. JPMorgan Emerging Markets Investment Trust
  139. JPMorgan European Fledgling Investment Trust
  140. JPMorgan European Investment Trust
  141. JPMorgan Fleming Mercantile Investment Trust
  142. JPMorgan Indian Investment Trust
  143. JPMorgan Japanese Investment Trust
  144. Jardine Lloyd Thompson Group
  145. Keller Group
  146. Kesa Electricals
  147. Kier Group
  148. Ladbrokes
  149. Law Debenture
  150. Logica
  151. London Stock Exchange Group
  152. MITIE Group
  153. Marston's
  154. McBride
  155. Meggitt
  156. Melrose
  157. Melrose Resources
  158. Merchants Trust
  159. Michael Page International
  160. Micro Focus International
  161. Millennium & Copthorne Hotels
  162. Misys
  163. Mitchells & Butlers
  164. Mondi Group
  165. Moneysupermarket.com
  166. Monks Investment Trust
  167. Morgan Crucible Co
  168. Morgan Sindall
  169. Mothercare
  170. Mouchel Parkman
  171. Murray Income Trust
  172. Murray International Trust
  173. National Express Group
  174. Northern Foods
  175. Northumbrian Water Group
  176. Novae Group
  177. PZ Cussons
  178. Pace
  179. PartyGaming
  180. PayPoint
  181. Perpetual Income & Growth Investment Trust
  182. Persimmon
  183. Peter Hambro Mining
  184. Polar Capital Technology Trust
  185. Premier Farnell
  186. Premier Foods
  187. Premier Oil
  188. Provident Financial
  189. PV Crystalox Solar
  190. QinetiQ
  191. RIT Capital Partners
  192. RPS Group
  193. Rank Group
  194. Rathbone Brothers
  195. Redrow
  196. Regus
  197. Renishaw
  198. Rentokil Initial
  199. Restaurant Group
  200. Rightmove
  201. Robert Wiseman Dairies
  202. Rotork
  203. SDL
  204. SSL International
  205. SVG Capital
  206. Salamander Energy
  207. Savills
  208. Scottish Investment Trust
  209. Scottish Mortgage Investment Trust
  210. SEGRO
  211. Shaftesbury
  212. DS Smith
  213. SOCO International
  214. Spectris
  215. Spirax-Sarco Engineering
  216. Spirent
  217. Sports Direct
  218. St. James's Place
  219. Stagecoach Group
  220. SThree
  221. Stobart Group
  222. Synergy Health
  223. Talvivaara Mining Company
  224. Tate & Lyle
  225. Taylor Wimpey
  226. Telecity Group
  227. Telecom Plus
  228. Temple Bar Investment Trust
  229. Templeton Emerging Markets Investment Trust
  230. Thames River Multi Hedge PCC
  231. Tomkins
  232. Travis Perkins
  233. TR Property Investment Trust
  234. Tullett Prebon
  235. UK Commercial Property Trust
  236. Ultra Electronics
  237. United Business Media
  238. VT Group
  239. Vectura Group
  240. Venture Production
  241. Victrex
  242. W H Smith
  243. Weir Group
  244. Wellstream
  245. Wetherspoons
  246. William Hill
  247. Witan Investment Trust
  248. Wolseley
  249. Wood Group
  250. Xchanging




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