First Folio

First Folio

First Folio

William Shakespeare, retrato aparecido en el First Folio.

First Folio, es el nombre atribuido a la primera publicación de la colección de obras teatrales de William Shakespeare. Contenía 36 obras y fue recopilado por John Heminges y Henry Condell, amigos del bardo, en 1623, siete años después de su muerte. El nombre original es Mr William Shakespeare's Comedies, Histories and Tragedies.

Se estima que se realizaron 1.000 copias. El censo más reciente (1995-2000) calcula aún la existencia de 228. Las ventas más recientes (por ejemplo en Oriel College Oxford, 2003) fijan su precio en torno a 3,5 millones de libras esterlinas.

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  • First Folio —   …   Wikipedia

  • First Folio — Premier Folio Couverture du Premier Folio, avec la célèbre gravure de Shakespeare par Martin Droeshout Le Premier Folio (anglais First Folio) est le nom donné par les spécialistes modernes à la première compilation publiée des œuvres théâtrales… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • First Folio — the first collection of Shakespeare’s plays to be published. It consists of 36 plays and was published in 1623 by two actors who had worked with Shakespeare. Some of the individual plays had already been published, and were called quartos, but… …   Universalium

  • First Folio Theatre — The First Folio Theatre is a not for profit theater company affiliated with the Actors Equity Association. Founded in 1996, First Folio, originally named First Folio Shakespeare Festival, is located on the grounds of the Mayslake Peabody Estate… …   Wikipedia

  • first folio — noun The 1623 published collection of William Shakespeares plays. The first such collection printed in folio format …   Wiktionary

  • (the) First Folio — the First Folio [the First Folio] the first collection of Shakespeare s plays to be published. It consists of 36 plays and was published in 1623 by two actors who had worked with Shakespeare. Some of the individual plays had already been… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Folio — may refer to: * In bookbinding, ** A sheet of paper, parchment, or other material folded in half to make two leaves in a codex. ** Mainly for manuscripts, a leaf (ie two pages). Manuscript pages are often traditionally physically marked with… …   Wikipedia

  • Folio — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda El término folio puede hacer referencia a: Formato de papel, donde el folio es una hoja de papel de 215×315 mm. En encuadernación: Hoja de papel, de pergamino o de otro material que se dobla por la mitad para hacer… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Folio (text) — Folio is a term in printing used to describe a size of book common in the early modern era. It refers to large books typically measuring 15 (38 cm) or more in height. Folios were the largest size of regular book, and were typically reserved for… …   Wikipedia

  • folio — (n.) mid 15c., from L.L. folio leaf or sheet of paper, from L. folio, ablative of folium leaf, from PIE *bhulyom leaf (Cf. Gk. phyllon leaf, Gael. bile leaflet, blossom ), from root *bhel (2) to blow, inflate, swell (see BOLE (Cf …   Etymology dictionary

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