


Álbum de estudio de Goodbye Mr. Mackenzie
Publicación 1994
Género(s) Synth pop
College rock
Pop rock
Rock Alternativo
Cronología de Goodbye Mr. Mackenzie

Hammer and Tongs


The Glory Hole

Five es el tercer álbum de la banda escocesa Goodbye Mr. Mackenzie. Tiene un borde áspero de lo que los álbumes anteriores, en parte debido a una gran influencia grunge.

Lista de Canciones

  1. Hard
  2. Bam Bam
  3. Grip
  4. Jim's Killer
  5. Niagara
  6. Touch the Bullseye
  7. Day of Storms
  8. Yelloueze
  9. Bugdive
  10. Normal Boy
  11. Hands of the Receiver
  12. Titanic

Enlaces externos

Obtenido de "Five"

Wikimedia foundation. 2010.

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  • five — five; five·ling; five·pence; five·pen·ny; five·some; five·fold; …   English syllables

  • Five — (f[imac]v), a. [OE. fif, five, AS. f[=i]f, f[=i]fe; akin to D. vijf, OS. f[=i]f, OHG. finf, funf, G. f[ u]nf, Icel. fimm, Sw. & Sw. Dan. fem, Goth. fimf, Lith. penki, W. pump, OIr. c[ o]ic, L. quinque, Gr. pe nte, [AE]ol. pe mpe, Skr. pa[ n]can.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Five — (f[imac]v), n. 1. The number next greater than four, and less than six; five units or objects. [1913 Webster] Five of them were wise, and five were foolish. Matt. xxv. 2. [1913 Webster] 2. A symbol representing this number, as 5, or V. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • five — [fīv] adj. [ME < OE fif, with assimilated nasal, akin to Ger fünf (OHG, Goth fimf) < IE base * penkwe > Sans páñca, Gr pente, L quinque] totaling one more than four n. 1. the cardinal number between four and six; 5; V 2. a) any group of… …   English World dictionary

  • five — O.E. fif, from P.Gmc. *fimfe (Cf. O.Fris., O.S. fif, Du. vijf, O.N. fimm, O.H.G. funf, Goth. fimf), from PIE *penkwe (Cf. Skt. panca, Gk. pente, L. quinque, O.C.S. peti, Lith. penke, O.Welsh …   Etymology dictionary

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