


Al citar, Flegón podemos estar refiriéndonos a:

  • Flegón, que en la mitología fue uno de los cuatro caballos del Sol
  • Al historiador griego Flegón

Obtenido de "Fleg%C3%B3n"

Wikimedia foundation. 2010.

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Mira otros diccionarios:

  • Flegón (Grecia) — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Flegón fue un historiador griego del siglo II, nacido en Tralles (Lidia). Liberto del emperador Adriano, se le conoce como autor de los tratados De las cosas maravillosas, colección de los milagros antiguos, y De los …   Wikipedia Español

  • Chemiakin, Mikhail — (1943 ) (Russia / France / USA)    Painter and sculptor. Raised in Russia, trained at the Repin Art School. Participated in many banned art exhibitions under the Soviet regime. In 1971 he emigrated to Paris and in 1980 to the U.S. Reproductions:… …   Dictionary of erotic artists: painters, sculptors, printmakers, graphic designers and illustrators

  • Somoff, Constantin Andrejewitsch — (12/1/1869 St. Petersburg 5/6/1939 Paris) (Russia); aka Ssomoff, Constantin / Somov, Konstantin / Somova, Konstantina    Painter, book art designer, illustrator, and commercial artist. He studied at the art academy in St. Petersburg under V.… …   Dictionary of erotic artists: painters, sculptors, printmakers, graphic designers and illustrators

  • Kustodiev, Boris Mikhailovitch — (3/7/1878 Astrakhan 5/26/1927 Leningrad) (Russia)    Painter, graphic artist, sculptor, and theatre designer. Trained at the Academy of Arts in St. Petersburg under Repin, then in Paris under Menard. After 1911 he belonged to the World of Art… …   Dictionary of erotic artists: painters, sculptors, printmakers, graphic designers and illustrators

  • Bibliography — AKL Alloway, 1976 Ayala, 1970 Bacon, 1969 Beasts, 1981 Benedict, 1983 Benezit Bentley, 1984 Berger, 1985 Beurdeley, 1977 Bilder Lexikon Boardman, 1975 Bonhams, 1987 Bowie, 1970 Brusendorff, 1960a Brusendorff, 1960b Brusendorff, 1960c Brusendorff …   Dictionary of erotic artists: painters, sculptors, printmakers, graphic designers and illustrators

  • Флегон, Алек — Алек Флегон (англ. Alec Flegon, 20 января 1924, Бессарабия 15 мая 2003, Лондон) британский издатель. Содержание 1 Биография 2 Сочинения 3 Ссылки …   Википедия

  • Eclipse de crucifixión — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda La frase Crucifixion eclipse se refiere al período de tres horas ocurrido durante el día y que fue registrado en los evangelios sinópticos en la Biblia en el momento de la crucifixión de Cristo. En ocasiones se… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Makarenko, Vladimir — (1943 Ukraine ) (Russia)    Painter. Studied at the Dniepropetrovsk College of Art.    Reproductions: Erotic symbol; c1976; Fle gon, 1976: figs. 381 382 [B]. Makarenko and his model; c1976; Flegon, 1976: fig. 379 [B]. Souvenir of a white night in …   Dictionary of erotic artists: painters, sculptors, printmakers, graphic designers and illustrators

  • Sitnikov, Vasily Yakovlevich — (9/1/1915 Novo Rakitano 11/28/1987 New York) (Russia / Austria / USA)    Painter and art teacher. A maverick artist in the restrictive environment of the Soviet Union. Known for his surreal erotic nudes.    Reproductions: Eros; 1947; Flegon, 1976 …   Dictionary of erotic artists: painters, sculptors, printmakers, graphic designers and illustrators

  • «СОБАЧЬЕ СЕРДЦЕ» —         Пповесть, имеющая подзаголовок «Чудовищная история». При жизни Булгакова не публиковалась. Впервые: Студент, Лондон, 1968, №№ 9, 10; Грани, Франкфурт, 1968, № 69; Булгаков М. Собачье сердце. Лондон, Flegon Press, 1968. Впервые в СССР:… …   Энциклопедия Булгакова

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