Foramen infraorbital

Foramen infraorbital

Foramen infraorbital

Cráneo desde el frente. El foramen infraorbital esta marcado al centro derecha debajo de la cavidad ocular
1 Foramen ethmoidale, 2 Canalis opticus, 3 Fissura orbitalis superior, 4 Fossa sacci lacrimalis, 5 Sulcus infraorbitalis, 6 Fissura orbitalis inferior, 7 Foramen infraorbitale

El foramen infraorbital es un orificio del cráneo .Está sobre la fosa canina y debajo de la cavidad ocular. Por él corre la arteria infraorbital , vena infraorbital , y nervio infraorbital.

Véase también

  • Escotadura infraorbital

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Wikimedia foundation. 2010.

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Mira otros diccionarios:

  • Infraorbital — is an anatomical term which means, literally, inferior to (below or beneath) the eye socket (orbit). Some examples of uses of the term are:* Infraorbital artery * Infraorbital foramen * Infraorbital canal …   Wikipedia

  • Foramen magnum — Bone: Foramen magnum Occipital bone. Inner surface. Gray s subject #31 129 …   Wikipedia

  • infraorbital foramen — n an opening in the maxillary bone just below the lower rim of the orbit that gives passage to the infraorbital artery, nerve, and vein * * * foramen infraorbitale [TA] the opening of the infraorbital canal on the anterior surface of the maxilla… …   Medical dictionary

  • infraorbital artery — n a branch or continuation of the maxillary artery that runs along the infraorbital groove with the infraorbital nerve and passes through the infraorbital foramen to give off branches which supply the face just below the eye * * * arteria… …   Medical dictionary

  • Infraorbital — In fra*or bit*al, a. [Infra + orbital.] (Anat.) Below the orbit; as, the infraorbital foramen; the infraorbital nerve. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Infraorbital foramen — Infobox Bone Name = Infraorbital foramen Latin = GraySubject = 38 GrayPage = 158 Caption = The skull from the front. (Infraorbital foramen labeled at center right, under the eye.) Caption2 = Articulation of nasal and lacrimal bones with maxilla.… …   Wikipedia

  • Infraorbital artery — Infobox Artery Name = PAGENAME Latin = a. infraorbitalis GraySubject = 144 GrayPage = 562 Caption = Plan of branches of internal maxillary artery. (Infraorbital at far right.) Caption2 = Left orbicularis oculi, seen from behind. (Infraorbital… …   Wikipedia

  • Infraorbital groove — Infobox Bone Name = Infraorbital groove Latin = s. infraorbitalis maxillae GraySubject = 38 GrayPage = 159 Caption = Left maxilla. Outer surface. (Infra orbital groove labeled at upper right.) Caption2 = 1 Foramen ethmoidale, 2 Canalis opticus, 3 …   Wikipedia

  • Foramen — A natural opening. Although a foramen is usually through bone, it can be an opening through other types of tissue, as with the foramen ovale. * * * An aperture or perforation through a bone or a membranous structure. SYN: trema (1). [L. an… …   Medical dictionary

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