Francis Godwin

Francis Godwin

Francis Godwin

Francis Godwin

Clérigo inglés, obispo de Herdford, nació en 1562 Hannington, Northamptonshirey y falleció en Whitbourne, Herefordshire.

Historiador inglés que no debe su fama a sus estudios sino que por ser el precursor de la ciencia ficción en lengua inglesa con su novela publicada en 1638 el hombre en la luna o Discurso de un viaje de allá por Domingo González, el raudo mensajero. En esta novela precursora también de la novela de naufragios el protagonista tras cual Robinson Crusoe quedar solo en una isla fabrica una máquina que impulsada por una especie de gansos gigantes que haya en la isla termina llegando a la luna.

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Wikimedia foundation. 2010.

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  • Francis Godwin — (Hannington, 1562 Hereford, 1633), est un évêque et écrivain anglais. Sommaire 1 Biographie 2 Personnalité …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Francis Godwin — (* 1562 in Hannington, Northamptonshire; † nach 29. April 1633 in Whitbourne, Herefordshire) war ein englischer Geistlicher und Schriftsteller. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Leben …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Francis Godwin — (1562 1633) was an English divine, Bishop of Llandaff and of Hereford. He was the son of Thomas Godwin, bishop of Bath and Wells, born at Hannington, Northamptonshire. He was elected student of Christ Church, Oxford, in 1578, took his bachelor s… …   Wikipedia

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  • Godwin, Francis — ▪ English bishop and historian born 1562, Hannington, Northamptonshire, Eng. died April 1633, Whitbourne, Herefordshire  bishop and historian who wrote the first story of space travel in English literature, The Man in the Moone: or A Discourse of …   Universalium

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  • Thomas Godwin (bishop) — Thomas Godwin (1517 1590) was an English bishop, who presided over the Diocese of Bath and Wells.Thomas Godwin was both born and died in Wokingham in Berkshire. He was appointed Bishop of Bath and Wells in 1584. He was much in favour with Queen… …   Wikipedia

  • Frank Godwin — (October 20,1889 August 5,1959) was an American illustrator and comic strip artist. He was one of the top draftsmen of his day. His ink work with pen and brush was, in the opinion of many who are familiar with his work, superior to that of his… …   Wikipedia

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