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Mira otros diccionarios:

  • gla — gla·bel·la; gla·bel·lo occipital; gla·bel·lum; gla·brate; gla·bres·cent; gla·brous; gla·cial·ism; gla·cial·ist; gla·cial·ize; gla·ci·ar·i·um; gla·ci·ate; gla·ci·a·tion; gla·cier; gla·ciered; gla·cier·et; gla·cier·ist; gla·cier·iza·tion;… …   English syllables

  • Gla — (rarely Glas) ( el. Γλα or Γλας) was an important fortified site of the Mycenaean civilization, located in Boeotia, mainland Greece.LocationThe site is located on a limestone outcrop or hill that jutted into Lake Kopais (now drained) or formed an …   Wikipedia

  • Gla — Enceinte mycénienne de Gla, vue du palais, vers le nord ouest. Le lac Copaïs asséché est en arrière plan. Localisation …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Gla — ist der moderne Name einer bedeutenden mykenischen Siedlung in Böotien, Griechenland. Nordwestteil der Befestigungsmauer der mykenischen Akropolis von Gla vom Palast aus gesehen Der Fundplatz liegt auf einem Hügel, der in den heute… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • GLA — may refer to: Institutions: * Gangmasters Licensing Authority, a UK regulatory body for gangmasters * General Lighthouse Authority, the generic term for national lighthouse authorities * Greater London Authority, a body which administers Greater… …   Wikipedia

  • Gla — era un reducto fortificado de la civilización micénica, ubicado en el norte de Grecia en la región de Beocia. Se construyó en una platea de piedra caliza que emerge del lago Copaide, a unos 20 km al este de Orcómeno, y 2 km al sur este de la… …   Wikipedia Español

  • gla|cé — «gla SAY», adjective. 1. covered with sugar, frosting, or icing; candied. 2. frozen. 3. finished with a glossy surface. ╂[< French glacé, past participle of glacer to ice, impart a gloss to < Latin glaciāre < glaciēs ice] …   Useful english dictionary

  • glȁt — pril. reg. 1. {{001f}}a. {{001f}}glatko, bez problema [kada sam dao novce, sve je išlo ∼] b. {{001f}}jednostavno [da mi je to rekao, ∼ bih ga udario]; direkt 2. {{001f}}a. {{001f}}ravan b. {{001f}}gladak ∆ {{001f}}∼ bod u pletenju vrsta boda; ∼… …   Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika

  • gla — Mot Monosíl·lab Nom femení …   Diccionari Català-Català

  • gla|ci|ar|i|um — «GLAY shee AIR ee uhm», noun, plural i|a « ee uh». a skating rink with a floor of artificial ice. ╂[< Latin glaciēs ice + English arium, as in aquarium] …   Useful english dictionary

  • gla|ci|ol|o|gy — «GLAY shee OL uh jee, see », noun. the science that deals with glaciers and glacial action: »Glaciology is a relatively new subject for the U.S. to be concerned with; but in the Antarctic it, in effect, describes the continent (Bulletin of Atomic …   Useful english dictionary

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