Gene Callahan

Gene Callahan
Gene Callahan

Gene Callahan es un economista y escritor estadounidense, exponente de la Escuela austríaca y ex-exponente del anarcocapitalismo. Originario de Connecticut, Callahan tiene una maestría de la London School of Economics y vive actualmente en Brooklyn, Nueva York.

Es académico adjunto al Ludwig von Mises Institute, y miembro de la Michael Oakeshott Association. Autor de dos libros, Economía para gente real y PUCK. Callahan además ha escrito para las publicaciones Reason, The Freeman, The Free Market, Slick Times, Java Developer's Journal, Software Development, Dr. Dobb's Journal, Human Rights Review, Independent Review, NYU Journal of Law and Liberty, Review of Austrian Economics, y otras. Es un colaborador frecuente de (site del Center for Libertarian Studies)

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  • Gene Callahan — may refer to:*Gene Callahan (production designer) (1923 1990), American film and television art director and set decorator who won two Oscars *Gene Callahan (economist) (born 1959), American libertarian economist and writer; adjunct scholar with… …   Wikipedia

  • Gene Callahan — est un professionnel dans les programmes informatiques au Connecticut. Il est un membre actif de la communauté du Mises Institute ainsi qu un commentateur sur les questions économiques dans les médias d informations tel que le Marketplace et The… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Gene Callahan (production designer) — Gene Callahan ( mdash;December 261990) was an Oscar winning American art director, set and production designer who contributed to over fifty films and more than a thousand TV episodes.Gene Callahan had a lifelong association with the state of… …   Wikipedia

  • Gene Callahan (economist) — Gene Callahan is an American economist and writer.He is an adjunct scholar with the Ludwig von Mises Institute, a charter member of the Michael Oakeshott Association, and is the author of two books, Economics for Real People and PUCK .Callahan… …   Wikipedia

  • Callahan — Callahan, an Irish surname, can refer to:PeopleIn the United States Armed Forces* Patrick J. Callahan, JAG Officer, USMC * James W. Callahan, Colonel, US Army, attached to Filipino Scouts in WW II, POWIn sports* Ben Callahan, baseball player *… …   Wikipedia

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  • Harry Callahan (cinema) — Harry Callahan (cinéma) Pour les articles homonymes, voir Harry Callahan et Callahan. Harry Callahan Per …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Harry Callahan (cinéma) — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Harry Callahan et Callahan. Harry Callahan Personnage de fiction apparaissant dans …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Harry callahan (cinéma) — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Harry Callahan et Callahan. Harry Callahan Per …   Wikipédia en Français

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