George Landow

George Landow

George Landow es un catedrático de la Universidad de Brown, crítico y teórico de literatura electrónica, así como pionero en el análisis de las características y los efectos del uso del hipertexto y los hipermedia. Es también el fundador de The Victorian Web,[1] The Contemporary, Postcolonial, & Postimperial Literature in English web,[2] y The Cyberspace, Hypertext, & Critical Theory web.[3]

Los artículos y libros de Landow han sido fundamentales en la evolución de los efectos de las nuevas tecnologías sobre el lenguaje y la literatura, enlazando con los trabajos de críticos como Jacques Derrida, Roland Barthes, Gilles Deleuze, Paul de Man o Michel Foucault, entre otros. Su obra más significativa es Hypertext, en el que analiza las posibles convergencias entre la teoría crítica literaria contemporánea y los productos artísticos y culturales de las Nuevas tecnologías. Landow ha publicado dos revisiones sucesivas de esta obra (tituladas respectivamente Hypertext 2.0 y Hypertext 3.0.


Bibliografía selecta

  • Hypertext 3.0 : Critical Theory and New Media in an Era of Globalization, 2005
  • Hypertext 2.0 : The Convergence of Contemporary Critical Theory and Technology, 1997
  • Hypertext: The Convergence of Contemporary Critical Theory and Technology, 1991
  • Hyper/Text/Theory, 1994
  • Hypermedia and Literary Studies, 1994 (con Paul Delany)
  • The Digital Word: Text-Based Computing in the Humanities, 1993 (con Paul Delany)

Enlaces externos

Wikimedia foundation. 2010.

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Mira otros diccionarios:

  • George Landow — alias Owen Land (* 1944 in New Haven, Connecticut, USA; † 8. Juni 2011 in Los Angeles) war ein US amerikanischer avantgardistischer Filmregisseur, Experimental Filmemacher, Schriftsteller und Fotograf. Er gilt als Pionier des strukturellen Films …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • George Landow — is the name of:* George Landow (professor), critic of Victorian painting and poetry, and theorist of hypermedia * George Landow (filmmaker), painter, writer, photographer, and filmmaker …   Wikipedia

  • George Landow (filmmaker) — Born George Landow 1944 New Haven, Connecticut Died June 8, 2011 Los Angeles, California Occupation Experimental filmmaker George Landow (1944 June 8, 2011[A]), also …   Wikipedia

  • George Landow (professor) — George Landow is Professor of English and Art History at Brown University. He is one of the leading authorities on Victorian literature, art, and culture, as well as a pioneer in criticism and theory of Electronic literature, hypertext and… …   Wikipedia

  • Landow — bezeichnet: einen Ortsteil der Gemeinde Dreschvitz im Landkreis Vorpommern Rügen in Mecklenburg Vorpommern Landow ist Familienname folgender Personen: George Landow (1944–2011), ein US amerikanischer Filmregisseur, Filmemacher, Schriftsteller und …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • George Merryweather — Dr. George Merryweather M.D. was born on 10 April 1794 in Burley in Wharfedale, Yorkshire, England. He married Jane Anderson Loy in 1826. They had four children: Mary, Jane, John and Emily. He then married Hannah Baker in 1844, after the death of …   Wikipedia

  • Owen Land — George Landow alias Owen Land (* 1944 in New Haven, Connecticut, USA; lebt in New York City) ist ein US amerikanischer avantgardistischer Filmregisseur, Experimental Filmemacher, Schriftsteller und Fotograf. Er gilt als Pionier des strukturellen… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Sage writing — is a genre of creative nonfiction popular in the Victorian era. Sage writing is a development from ancient wisdom literature in which the writer chastises and instructs the reader about contemporary social issues, often utilizing discourses of… …   Wikipedia

  • Hypertext — Metatext redirects here. For the literary concept, see Metafiction. Hypertext is text displayed on a computer or other electronic device with references (hyperlinks) to other text that the reader can immediately access, usually by a mouse click… …   Wikipedia

  • Afternoon, a story — is a work of electronic literature written in 1987 by American author Michael Joyce. It was published by Eastgate Systems in 1990 and is known as the first hypertext fiction. Afternoon was first offered to the public as a demonstration of the… …   Wikipedia

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