

Gross-out es un subgénero de filmes cómicos basados fuertemente en humor escatológico, desarrollado durante la década de 1970. Entre sus precursores se encuentra Pink Flamingos de John Waters y Sillas de montar calientes de Mel Brooks. El filme que es considerado como el primero del género fue Desmadre a la americana de John Landis, que fue todo un éxito en la taquilla. Desde los años 80, las comedias del género gross-out se volvieron más populares y se volvieron en modelo para futuros filmes como Algo pasa con Mary, American Pie y otros.

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  • Gross out — describes a movement in art (often comic), which aims to shock the audience with controversial material such as toilet humour or nudity. Television Jackass and its UK cousin, Dirty Sanchez , were the pioneers of gross out television . Featuring… …   Wikipedia

  • Gross-out — es un subgénero de filmes cómicos basados fuertemente en humor escatológico, desarrollado durante la década de 1970. Entre sus precursores tenemos a Pink Flamingos de John Waters y Sillas de montar calientes de Mel Brooks. El filme que es… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • gross-out — ☆ gross out [grōs′out΄ ] Slang n. something thought of as being disgusting, repulsive, offensive, etc …   English World dictionary

  • gross-out — gross ,out noun count SPOKEN something that is so unpleasant it almost makes you ill. This word is used mainly by young people …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • gross-out — gross′ out n. cvb sts sl. something disgusting • Etymology: 1970–75 …   From formal English to slang

  • gross out — verb 1. fill with distaste This spoilt food disgusts me • Syn: ↑disgust, ↑revolt, ↑repel • Derivationally related forms: ↑repulsive (for: ↑repel), ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • gross-out — 1. n. something disgusting. □ This whole day has been a total gross out. □ That horror movie was a real gross out. 2. mod. disgusting; gross. □ What a gross out day this has been! □ …   Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions

  • gross out — phrasal verb [transitive] Word forms gross out : present tense I/you/we/they gross out he/she/it grosses out present participle grossing out past tense grossed out past participle grossed out informal if something grosses you out, it is so… …   English dictionary

  • gross-out — ˈ ̷ ̷ ˌ ̷ ̷ noun ( s) Etymology: gross out, verb (herein) : something inspiring disgust or distaste • gross out adjective …   Useful english dictionary

  • gross out — {v.}, {slang} To commit a vulgar act; to repel someone by saying a disgusting or vulgar thing. * /You are going to gross out people if you continue talking like that./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

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