Gush Katif

Gush Katif

Gush Katif es una región al sur de la Franja de Gaza donde había un grupo de 17 asentamientos, entre Rafiaj al sudeste, Dir el Balaj al norte, Jan Yunes al este y la costa del Mediterráneo al este, con población israelí. En agosto de 2005, decidido por el gobierno de Ariel Sharón, hubo una evacuación de la población judía, como parte del Plan de Desconexión del gobierno Israelí, acción que llevó a grandes desacuerdos dentro del público israelí, tanto en el aspecto de seguridad como del aspecto legal en que fue llevado a cabo. Los territorios de Gush Katif fueron transferidos al gobierno autónomo palestino.

Coordenadas: 31°21′17″N 34°16′29″E / 31.35481, 34.2746

Wikimedia foundation. 2010.

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Mira otros diccionarios:

  • Gush Katif — ( he. גוש קטיף, en. Harvest Bloc ) was a bloc of 17 Israeli settlements in the southern Gaza strip. In August 2005, the 8,000 residents of Gush Katif were evacuated from the area and their homes demolished as part of Israel s unilateral… …   Wikipedia

  • GUSH KATIF — (Heb. גוש קטיף; Katif Bloc), group of 18 settlements in the gaza strip . Their combined population in 2004 was about 7,800. The Jewish settlement of Gush Katif aimed at creating a buffer zone in the face of terrorist attacks originating in the… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Gush Katif — 31° 21′ 17″ N 34° 16′ 29″ E / 31.35481, 34.2746 Gush Katif (ou Gush Kat …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Gush Katif —    Literally, harvest bloc ; a bloc of 16 settlements in the Gaza Strip between the Mediterranean Sea and the Palestinian towns of Rafah and Khan Younis. The main access road connecting Gush Katif to Israel ran through the Kissufim junction. The… …   Historical Dictionary of Israel

  • Gush Katif — Gusch Katif (hebr. גוש קטיף) war ein Block von jüdischen Siedlungen im Süden des Gazastreifens. Im Rahmen des Rückzugs Israels aus dem Gazastreifen wurden die Siedlungen im August 2005 vollständig geräumt; die israelische Armee begann nach der… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Gush Katif — group of Jewish settlements which borders the southwestern edge of Gaza …   English contemporary dictionary

  • GUSH EMUNIM — ( The Bloc of the Faithful ), a spiritual political movement established for the purpose of implementing its belief that the establishment of the State of Israel constitutes the Beginning of the Redemption which will lead to the ultimate complete …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Katif (moshav) — Katif ( he. קטיף) was an Israeli settlement in the Gush Katif bloc in the Gaza Strip, about 1 km north of the Palestinian refugee camp of Deir el Balah. It was founded in 1977 as an Orthodox moshav. The name is derived from the nearby Tel Katifa… …   Wikipedia

  • Katif — (hébreu : קטיף) était une colonie israélienne dans le groupement du Gush Katif au sud de la bande de Gaza, à 1 km au nord du camp de réfugiés palestiniens de Deir el Balah. Katif tient son nom de la proximité du site archéologique de… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Katif — Katif, Qatif or Qateef ( he. קטיף; ar. قطيف) may refer to the following:*Qatif, a region in Saudi Arabia *Katif (moshav), a former Israeli moshav in the Gaza Strip *Gush Katif, the largest former Israeli settlement bloc in the Gaza Strip …   Wikipedia

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