HMS Nautilus

HMS Nautilus

El nombre HMS Nautilus ha sido usado por diez navíos en la Marina Real Británica.

  • Clase Cruizer.
  • Clase Cherokee.
  • Clase Beagle, renombrado HMS Grampus (1910) en 1913.
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Wikimedia foundation. 2010.

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Mira otros diccionarios:

  • HMS Nautilus — Autres noms HMS N1 Histoire A servi dans  Royal Navy Commandé 1912 Quille posée …   Wikipédia en Français

  • HMS Nautilus — Ten vessels of the Royal Navy have been named HMS Nautilus , after the Greek word for a sailor.*The first Nautilus was a 16 gun sloop launched in 1762. *The second Nautilus was a 16 gun sloop launched in 1784 and wrecked in 1799. *The third… …   Wikipedia

  • HMS Grampus (1910) — HMS Grampus was a Beagle class destroyer of the Royal Navy and originally named HMS Nautilus when she was commissioned on March 30, 1910 from Thames Ironworks Shipbuilding Company. She was renamed Grampus on December 16, 1913, her former name… …   Wikipedia

  • Nautilus class submarine (1917) — HMS Nautilus was the largest submarine built for the Royal Navy at the time and the first to be given a name. Nautilus was designed in response to recommendations for an overseas submarine displacing 1,000 tons and capable of convert|20|kn|km/h|0 …   Wikipedia

  • Nautilus (desambiguación) — Nautilus puede designar: a la familia Nautilidae, donde se engloban los cefalópodos con concha modernos; al género Nautilus, dentro de la familia Nautilidae; en honor a estos, al Nautilus, la ficticia embarcación del capitán Nemo, un personaje… …   Wikipedia Español

  • HMS Agamemnon (1781) — HMS Agamemnon HMS Agamemnon …   Википедия

  • Nautilus — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Sommaire 1 Biologie 2 Marine …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Nautilus (disambiguation) — Contents 1 Computing 2 Ships and submarines 3 Other 4 See …   Wikipedia

  • Nautilus class submarine (1914) — Career (UK) Ordered: 1912 Builder …   Wikipedia

  • HMS Grampus — Eleven vessels of the Royal Navy have been named HMS Grampus after two members of the dolphin family (Delphinidae): Grampus griseus , also known as Risso s Dolphin, and Orcinus orca , also known as the Killer Whale.*HMS|Grampus|1731|6 was a 14… …   Wikipedia

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