HMS Serpent

HMS Serpent

HMS Serpent ha sido el nombre de diez buques de la Marina Real Británica. Otros dos buques, fueron autorizados y puestos en grada con este nombre, pero fueron cancelados sin llegar a botarse:

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Wikimedia foundation. 2010.

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Mira otros diccionarios:

  • HMS Serpent — Ten ships of the Royal Navy have borne the name HMS Serpent , after the synonym for snake, whilst another two were planned:*HMS|Serpent|1562|6 was a vessel captured in 1562 and last recorded in 1653. *HMS|Serpent|1693|6 was a 12 gun bomb vessel… …   Wikipedia

  • HMS Serpent — El comandante de la Marina Real Harry L. Ross zarpa con el HMS Serpent del puerto de Plymouth el sábado 8 de noviembre de 1890. Su destino es bordear el Cabo de Buena Esperanza y enlazar con la Estación de la Costa Oeste Africana en las islas de… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • HMS Serpent (1887) — Para otros usos de este término, véase HMS Serpent. HMS Serpent HMS Serpent Banderas …   Wikipedia Español

  • Serpent — is a synonym for snake.Serpent can also mean: * Serpent (symbolism), the name given to a snake in a religious or mythological context * Serpent (band), a heavy metal band * Serpent (instrument), a member of the brass family * Serpent… …   Wikipedia

  • Serpent — (v. lat. serpens „Schlange“) bezeichnet ein historisches Musikinstrument, siehe Serpent (Musik) einen Verschlüsselungsalgorithmus, siehe Serpent (Verschlüsselung) eine Gottheit in Form einer Schlange, siehe Serpent (Mythologie) eine… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • HMS Cobra (1899) — HMS Cobra , named after the cobra snake, was a steam turbine powered destroyer of the Royal Navy. She was built speculatively by Armstrong Whitworth, although her turbines were ordered by the Admiralty. She was launched on 28 June 1899, and… …   Wikipedia

  • HMS Hydra (A144) — HMS Hydra (Pennant Number A144) was a Royal Navy deep ocean hydrographic survey vessel, the third of the original three of the Hecla class. The ship was laid down as yard number 2258 on 14 May 1964 at Yarrow Shipbuilders, at Scotstoun on the… …   Wikipedia

  • HMS Daedalus (1826) — HMS Daedalus was a nineteenth century warship of the Royal Navy.She was launched as a fifth rate frigate of 46 guns in 1826, reduced to 20 guns in 1840.In August 1848, Captain McQuhae of the Daedalus and several of his officers and crew (en route …   Wikipedia

  • Sea serpent — This article is about sea serpents in mythology and cryptozoology. For actual marine snakes, see Sea snake. For other uses, see Sea serpent (disambiguation). Sea Serpent (Various) A sea serpent from Olaus Magnus s book History of the Northe …   Wikipedia

  • Many-finned sea serpent — Infobox Paranormalcreatures Creature Name = Many finned sea Serpent Image Caption = Grouping = Cryptid Sub Grouping = Sea monster AKA = Cetacean Centipede, Con rit, Great Sea Centipede Country = Region = Habitat = Tropical/Subtropical Waters… …   Wikipedia

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