
Sencillo de Evanescence
del álbum Fallen
Formato CD
Grabación 2003
Género(s) Metal Gótico
Rock Gotico
Duración 4:16
Discográfica Wind-Up Records
Autor(es) Amy Lee
Ben Moody
Posicionamiento en listas
Cronología de Evanescence

«Everybody's fool



Imaginary, es el título de una canción de la banda estadounidense Evanescence,se puede encontrar en el disco Fallen. Luego el éxito de dicho disco, fue lanzado como sencillo promocional para la radio española.


En españa, en 2004, single de radio promocional de la banda Evanescence de su disco debút Fallen. Con un poco de suerte, se pueden encontrar versiones oficiales y también falsas de este single en eBay. Solo se hicieron entre 15 y 50 copias y esta producido por la discográfica Sony Music.


El single, al ser para radio promocional, solo contiene un track:

  1. Imaginary (versión de álbum) 4:16


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Información acerca del single de radio promocional

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Mira otros diccionarios:

  • Imaginary — can refer to:* Imaginary (sociology), a concept in sociology * Imaginary number, a concept in mathematics * Imaginary time, a concept in physics * Imagination, a mental faculty * Object of the mind, an object of the imagination * Imaginary enemy… …   Wikipedia

  • Imaginary — Im*ag i*na*ry, a. [L. imaginarius: cf. F. imaginaire.] Existing only in imagination or fancy; not real; fancied; visionary; ideal. [1913 Webster] Wilt thou add to all the griefs I suffer Imaginary ills and fancied tortures? Addison. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Imaginary — «Imaginary» Сингл Evanescence из альбома Fallen Выпущен 2004 Формат CD, Цифровая дистрибуция …   Википедия

  • imaginary — adj 1 Imaginary, fanciful, visionary, fantastic, chimerical, quixotic are comparable when they are applied to conceptions or to the persons who form the conceptions and mean unreal or unbelievable and out of keeping with things as they are or… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • imaginary — imaginary, imaginative Imaginary means ‘existing only in the imagination, not real’, whereas imaginative means ‘having or showing a high degree of imagination’. Both words can be applied to people as well as things; an imaginary person is one who …   Modern English usage

  • Imaginary — Im*ag i*na*ry, n. (Alg.) An imaginary expression or quantity. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • imaginary — (adj.) not real, late 14c., ymaginaire, from IMAGINE (Cf. imagine) + ARY (Cf. ary); or else from L.L. imaginarius seeming, fancied, from imaginari. Imaginary friend (one who does not exist) attested by 1789 …   Etymology dictionary

  • imaginary — ► ADJECTIVE 1) existing only in the imagination. 2) Mathematics expressed in terms of the square root of 1 (represented by i or j): imaginary numbers. DERIVATIVES imaginarily adverb …   English terms dictionary

  • imaginary — index artificial, delusive, fictitious, hypothetical, illusory, insubstantial, nonexistent, speculative …   Law dictionary

  • imaginary — [adj] fictitious, invented abstract, apocryphal, apparitional, assumed, chimerical, deceptive, delusive, dreamed up*, dreamlike, dreamy, fabulous, fancied, fanciful, fantastic, fictional, figmental, fool’s paradise*, hallucinatory, hypothetical,… …   New thesaurus

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