Isaac Watts

Isaac Watts
Isaac Watts.

Isaac Watts (Southampton, 17 de julio 1674Abney Park, Stoke Newington, 25 de noviembre 1748) fue un poeta, predicador, teólogo, lógico y pedagogo inglés.

Es el padre de la composición de himnos: escribió más de 750 himnos litúrgicos cristianos. Muchos de sus himnos se utilizan hoy en día y han sido traducidos a muchas lenguas.

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  • Isaac Watts — (July 17, 1674 – November 25, 1748) is recognised as the Father of English Hymnody , as he was the first prolific and popular English hymnwriter, credited with some 750 hymns. Many of his hymns remain in active use today and have been translated… …   Wikipedia

  • Isaac Watts — (* 17. Juli 1674 in Southampton, England; † 25. November 1748 in London, England) war ein britischer Liederdichter. Watts ist für die vielen von ihm selbstverfassten Hymnen (750) bekannt. In …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Isaac Watts — Isaac Watts. Isaac Watts (Southampton, 17 juillet 1674 – Abney Park, Stoke Newington, 25 novembre 1748) fut un hymnographe, poète, prédicateur, théologien, logicien et pédagogue anglais. Il fut étroitement lié avec le Lord maire de Londres Thomas …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Isaac Watts — noun English poet and theologian (1674 1748) • Syn: ↑Watts • Instance Hypernyms: ↑poet, ↑theologian, ↑theologist, ↑theologizer, ↑theologiser …   Useful english dictionary

  • Watts (surname) — Watts is a surname, and may refer to* Alan Watts, English philosopher * Alaric Alexander Watts, British poet and journalist * André Watts, German American pianist * Angie Watts, fictional character from EastEnders * Bill Watts, American… …   Wikipedia

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  • Watts, Isaac — ( 1674 1748 )    father of modern Protestant hymnody    Isaac Watts was born in Southampton, England. His father was a Puritan deacon who had at times been imprisoned for nonconformist beliefs. Isaac received an education that included Greek,… …   Encyclopedia of Protestantism

  • Watts, Isaac — (1674–1748)    Hymn Writer.    Watts was born in Southampton, of a non conforming family. He was educated at the Dissenting Academy at Stoke Newington and he became the pastor of an independent congregation in London. Because of bad health he… …   Who’s Who in Christianity

  • Isaac — /uy zeuhk/, n. 1. a son of Abraham and Sarah, and father of Jacob. Gen. 21:1 4. 2. a male given name: from a Hebrew word meaning laughter. * * * (as used in expressions) Albéniz Isaac Manuel Francisco Alfasi Isaac ben Jacob Asimov Isaac Funk… …   Universalium

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