- John Ankerberg
John Ankerberg Nacimiento Estados Unidos
Ocupación ensayista John F. Ankerberg, nacido en 1945, es un teólogo (con un doctorado del Luther Rice Seminary) y un religioso, bautista y animador de un programa de televisión evangélico cristiano en Chattanooga (Tennessee), que trata de temas y puntos de vista cristianos así como debates.
Es conocido como un autor antimasón por su libro: The Secret Teachings of the Masonic Lodge: A Christian Perspective y por videos denunciado la masonería.[1]
- “The Television Program Producer of the Year Award”, National Religious Broadcasters, 1992.
- “Genesis Award”, Southeastern Chapter of the National Religious Broadcasters, 1984.
- Attended Prospect High School, Mount Prospect, IL 1960 to 1964.
- Graduate of the University of Illinois, B.A., 1968.
- Graduate of Trinity Evangelical Divinity School with Master of Arts in Church History and Philosophy of Christian Thought, 1972.
- Graduate of Trinity Evangelical Divinity School with Master of Divinity degree, 1973
- (Graduating with high academic honors in both degrees.)
- Attended Bethel Theological Seminary, Saint Paul, MN, completing course work for
- Doctor of Ministry program 1977 and 1978.
- Transferred to Luther Rice Seminary, Jacksonville, FL, graduating with Doctor of Ministry degree, 1990
- Ordained Baptist minister and former pastor[2]
- The International Society of Christian Apologists (Matthews, NC)
- The Board of Directors of the National Religious Broadcasters (Manassas, VA)
- The Board of Reference of The Christian Film and Television Commission (Atlanta, GA)
- The Board of Reference for the Institute for Religious Research (Grand Rapids, MI)
- The Board of Reference for the Christian Service Brigade (Wheaton, IL)
- The Truth about Islam and Jesus, John Ankerberg and Emir Caner (2009)[3]
- Middle East Meltdown, John Ankerberg, Dillon Burroughs (2007)
- The DaVinci Code Controversy, John Ankerberg, Dillon Burroughs, Michael Easley (2006)
- Fast Facts on Roman Catholicism, John Ankerberg, John Weldon (2004)
- What Do Mormons Really Believe? What the Ads Don't Tell You^, John Ankerberg, John Weldon (2002)
- Fast Facts on Islam, John Ankerberg, John Weldon (2001)
- Creation Vs. Evolution: What You Need to Know, John Ankerberg, John Weldon (1999)
- Encyclopedia of Cults and New Religions: Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormonism, Mind Sciences, Baha'I, Zen, Unitarianism: John Ankerberg, John Weldon (1999)
- Darwin’s Leap of Faith: Exposing the False Religion of Evolution, (Harvest House, 1998)
- Ready With an Answer, John Ankerberg, John Weldon (1997)
- Behind the Mask of Mormonism, John Ankerberg, John Weldon (1996)
- Encyclopedia of New Age Beliefs, John Ankerberg, John Weldon (1996)
- The Facts on the King James Only Debate, John Ankerberg, John Weldon (1996)
- Knowing the Truth About Jesus the Messiah, John Ankerberg, John Weldon (1996)
- The Facts on Angels, John Ankerberg, John Weldon (1995)
- Protestants & Catholics: Do They Now Agree?, John Ankerberg, John Weldon (1995)
- The Facts on Creation Vs Evolution/ Facts on Series, John Ankerberg, John Weldon (1993)
- The Myth of Safe Sex: The Tragic Consequences of Violating God's Plan, John Ankerberg, John Weldon (1993)
- Facts on Jehovah Witnesses, (1992)
- The Facts on Islam, John Ankerberg, John Weldon (1991)
- The Facts on the Mormon Church, John Ankerberg, John Weldon (1991)
- The Facts on the Occult, John Ankerberg, John Weldon (1991)
- The Secret Teachings of the Masonic Lodge: A Christian Perspective, John Ankerberg, John Weldon, (Moody, 1990).
- Facts on the New Age Movement, John Ankerberg, John Weldon (1988)
Enlaces y referencias externas
- (en inglés) Sitio internet de John Ankerberg
- (en inglés) Biografía de John Ankerberg en su sitio
- (en inglés) Artículo en el sitio Rapture Ready sobre Ankerberg
Notas y referencias
- ↑ Lista de antimasónes en un sitio masón
- ↑ Biografía de Ankerberg en su sitio internet
- ↑ The Truth about Islam and Jesus. Tanto Emir Caner como su hermano Ergun Caner han sido entrevistados por Ankerberg en diversas ocasiones
Categorías:- Nacidos en 1945
- Ministros religiosos baptistas
- Antimasonería
- Teólogos protestantes
- Escritores de Estados Unidos
- Escritores protestantes
Wikimedia foundation. 2010.