John Brockman

John Brockman
John Brockman

John Brockman (Boston, Estados Unidos, 1941) es un empresario cultural con una amplia trayectoria en el campo del arte, la ciencia, los libros, el software e Internet. En 1960 sentó las bases de los «entornos cinéticos intermedia» aplicables al arte, al teatro y a los negocios mientras asesoraba a General Electric, Columbia Pictures, el Pentágono, la Casa Blanca... En 1973 creó su propia agencia literaria y de software. Es fundador de Edge Foundation[1] y editor de Edge, aclamada página web donde los pensadores más destacados, líderes de lo que él llama «Tercera Cultura», analizan la ciencia más vanguardista. Es autor y editor de varios libros, entre ellos: La tercera cultura (1995); The greatest inventions of the past 2000 years (2000); Los próximos cincuenta años (2002) y The new humanists (2003). Goza del privilegio de haber aparecido en la primera página del Science Times (1997) y del Arts & Leisure (1966), ambos suplementos del New York Times.

Enlaces externos


  1. Página oficial de Edge Foundation [1]

Wikimedia foundation. 2010.

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Mira otros diccionarios:

  • John Brockman — (* 16. Februar 1941 in Boston, Massachusetts) ist ein amerikanischer Literaturagent. Leben Nach seinem Studium am Babson Institute of Business Administration der Columbia University in New York City war er zunächst in den 1960er Jahren Multimedia …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • John Brockman — is the name of:*John Brockman (literary agent) (born 1941), author and literary agent *John Brockman (soldier) (1734–1801), colonel from North Carolina in the American Revolutionary War *Jon Brockman, basketball player …   Wikipedia

  • John Brockman (soldier) — John Brockman, Jr. (May 8 1735 – January 31 1801) was an officer in the North Carolina militia during the American Revolutionary War. Early years Brockman was born in King and Queen County, Virginia to John and Mary (Collins) Brockman, who later… …   Wikipedia

  • John Brockman (literary agent) — John Brockman (born 1941 in Boston, Massachusetts) is a literary agent and author specializing in scientific literature. He founded the Edge Foundation, an organization aimed to bring together people working at the edge of a broad range of… …   Wikipedia

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  • John H. Holland — John Henry Holland (* 2. Februar 1929 in Indiana) ist ein US amerikanischer Informatiker. Er studierte am Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) und schloss an der University of Michigan als erster Absolvent des Faches Informatik mit… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Brockman — The Brockman surname is not common, but has spread to several countries around the world. The name can be a topism combining wet/water and man . However, in Old English and in heraldry a brock is also a badger, and some have claimed it to mean… …   Wikipedia

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  • Brockman-Nationalpark — Brockman Nationalpark …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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