John Long

John Long

John Long puede referirse a:

  • John E. Long, baloncestista de Estados Unidos;
  • John Silver El Largo (Long John Silver) es un personaje ficticio de la novela La Isla del Tesoro, de Robert Louis Stevenson.

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Mira otros diccionarios:

  • John Long — is the name of:* John Long (politician) (c. 1419–1478), English Member of Parliament * John Long (basketball) (b. 1956), NBA player * John Long (NC politician) (1785–1857), U.S. Representative from North Carolina * John Long (climber) (b. 1953),… …   Wikipedia

  • John Long — ist der Name folgender Personen: John Long (Kletterer) (* 1953) US amerikanischer Sportkletterer und Autor John B. Long (1843–1924), US amerikanischer Politiker (Texas) John D. Long (1838–1915), US amerikanischer Politiker, Gouverneur von… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • John Long — John Eddie Long (né le 28 août 1956, à Romulus, Michigan) est un ancien joueur américain de basket ball évoluant au poste d arrière. À sa sortie de l université de Detroit; la fusion entre Detroit et Mercy n étant pas effective avant son départ …   Wikipédia en Français

  • John Long (basketball) — John Eddie Long (born August 28 1956, in Romulus, Michigan) is a retired American professional basketball player. After starring at the University of Detroit , the 6’ 5” shooting guard was selected by the Detroit Pistons in the second round of… …   Wikipedia

  • John Long Routt — (* 25. April 1826 in Eddyville, Lyon County, Kentucky; † 13. August 1907 in Denver, Colorado) war ein US amerikanischer Politiker (Republikanische Partei) und von 1875 bis 1879 der erste sowie von 1891 bis 1893 der siebte Gouverneur des …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • John Long (NC politician) — John Long (1785 1857) was a North Carolina politician who served four terms (1821 1829) in the U.S. House of Representatives.Long also served one term (1811 12) in the North Carolina House of Commons and one term (1814 15) in the North Carolina… …   Wikipedia

  • John Long (politician) — John Long of Draycot Cerne (c1419 20 September 1478) was an English politician.Born in Wiltshire, the son of Robert Long and Margaret Godfrey, he was elected Member of Parliament for Cricklade in 1442 and in 1449 was an Elector for Wiltshire. He… …   Wikipedia

  • John Long (cartoonist/artist) — John Long is an American cartoonist.BiographyAfter he graduated college with a degree in fine arts, John Long became a fireman because he couldn t find work as an art teacher. Having spent 15 years on the fire squad, he now devotes all his time… …   Wikipedia

  • John Long (climber) — For other persons of this name, see John Long.John Long (born 1953) is an American rock climber and author. A one time divinity student at Claremont School of Theology and former weightlifter, Long was a founding member of an elite group of… …   Wikipedia

  • John Long Routt — Infobox Governor name = John Long Route order = 1st 7th office = Governor of the State of Colorado term start = 1876 term end = 1879 1891 – 1893 lieutenant = Lafayette Head (1877 1879) William Story (1891 1893) predecessor = Job Adams Cooper… …   Wikipedia

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