Jorge alberto talango aguirre

Jorge alberto talango aguirre

Jorge alberto talango aguirre

jorge alberto talango aguirre

imagen born on June 28, 1984 in Tuxtla Gutierrez Chiapas.

for the year 1986 moved to Yajalon.

began studying in 1987 Yajalon in Chiapas, in 1988 he moved to Tuxtla Gutierrez Chiapas.

1991 : imagen paulo freire. At school, never excelled in any area, curious to see what I was good at drifting. Poetry and not attempt to tube successfully, try sports such as baseball, tennis and other sports without success, underestimate in plastic arts, not their talent email was opened in 1999, moved to mexico city the day July 28 for the year 2000 for the month of December of that year moved to Tuxtla Gutierrez Chiapas imagen for the year 2002 inaugurated

Other Internet sites for advertising video games among other topics. adult world . garage projects

for the years 2002 and 2003 increased interest after several attempts since the year 1990, and I think your drawing style different I think a box with gum out of curiosity, I believe its an 2004 and a table pimer years after opened his first art exhibition in 2005 for the year 2006 decided to just write it means expojata

expo = FAIR Jorge J = Alberto A = T = Talanga Aguirre A =

and the same year opened expojata

Wikimedia foundation. 2010.

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