

Krio es un idioma criollo nativo en la comunidad sierraleoneses en la capital de Freetown del (inglés: Pueblolibre) 100.000 decendentes de esclavos liberados estadounidenses. También es la lingua franca de unos 4 millones de sierraleoneses u otros grupos étnicos y los miles de decendentes krios viviendo en otras partes de África Occidental. Es hablada como lengua materna por cerca de de 500.000 ciudadanos.


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Mira otros diccionarios:

  • Krio — Gesprochen in Sierra Leone  Sierra Leone Sprecher ca. 500.000 Muttersprachler, ca. 4 Millionen Zweitsprachler Linguistisch …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Krio — may refer to: *Sierra Leone Creole people *Krio language, language of the Sierra Leone Krio people *Krio Dayak people, an ethnic group in West Kalimantan, Indonesia *Krio Dayak language *Krio River, in West Kalimantan, Indonesia *Cape Krio, place …   Wikipedia

  • KRIO — may refer to: * KRIO FM, a radio station at 104.1 FM in Pearsall, Texas, United States * KRIO (AM), a radio station at 910 AM in McAllen, Texas, United States …   Wikipedia

  • Krio — /ˈkrioʊ/ (say kreeoh) noun 1. the lingua franca of Sierra Leone, an English based creole with some influence from Yoruba. 2. someone who speaks Krio as his or her native language. –adjective 3. of or relating to Krio …  

  • Krio — Krio, Vorgebirg 1) auf der Westküste von Candia; 2) im südwestlichen Kleinasien …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • krio- — DEFINICIJA kao prvi dio riječi označava sve što je vezano uz vrlo niske temperature [krioterapija] ETIMOLOGIJA grč. krýos: mraz, studen …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • krio- — {{/stl 13}}{{stl 7}} pierwszy człon wyrazów złożonych wskazujący na związek z niską temperaturą, lodem; np. {{/stl 7}}{{stl 8}}kriochirurgia, krioterapia {{/stl 8}}{{stl 7}} <gr.> {{/stl 7}} …   Langenscheidt Polski wyjaśnień

  • KRIO-FM — Infobox Radio station name = KRIO FM city = Pearsall, Texas area = slogan = branding = Digital Tu Musica Exitos frequency = 104.1 MHz repeater = airdate = share = 1.6, #20 share as of = Fa 07 share source = R R [cite news | first= | last= |… …   Wikipedia

  • KRIO (AM) — Infobox Radio station name = KRIO city = Mcallen, Texas area = slogan = branding = Radio Esperanza frequency = 910 kHz repeater = airdate = share = share as of = share source = format = Christian radio power = erp = 5,000 watts day 5,000 watts… …   Wikipedia

  • Krio — noun Etymology: Krio, speaker of Krio, Krio language, perhaps from Yoruba Kiriyó Christian, ultimately from Portuguese crioulo Creole Date: 1955 an English based creole spoken in Sierra Leone …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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