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Mira otros diccionarios:

  • Kuroshio —   [ ʃ ; japanisch »schwarzer Strom«, nach der tiefblauen Wasserfarbe], warme Meeresströmung im Pazifischen Ozean auf der Ostseite der japanischen Inseln. In seiner Struktur und Dynamik dem Golfstrom ähnlich. (Karte Meeresströmungen) …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Kuroshio — [ko͞o rō′shē ō′] JAPAN CURRENT …   English World dictionary

  • Kuroshio — Globale Karte aller Oberflächen Meeresströmungen. Strömungs …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Kuroshio — /koo roh shee oh /; Japn. /koo rddaw shee aw /, n. See Japan Current. [ < Japn, equiv. to kuro black + shio (earlier shifo) tide] * * * ▪ oceanic current, Pacific Ocean (Japanese: “Black Current”),also called  Japan Current,         strong… …   Universalium

  • Kuroshio — Carte des courants océaniques Le courant de Kuroshio ou Kuro Shivo, en japonais kuroshio (黒潮, kuroshio …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Kuroshio — The Kuroshio (Japanese for Black Tide ) is a strong western boundary current in the western north Pacific Ocean. It begins off the east coast of Taiwan and flows northeastward past Japan, where it merges with the easterly drift of the North… …   Wikipedia

  • Kuroshio — /kəˈroʊʃioʊ/ (say kuh rohsheeoh) noun → Japan Current. Also, Kuroshio current. {Japanese, from kuro black + shio current, tide} …  

  • Kuroshio — noun a warm ocean current that flows northeastwardly off the coast of Japan into the northern Pacific ocean • Syn: ↑Japan current, ↑Kuroshio current • Hypernyms: ↑ocean current …   Useful english dictionary

  • Kuroshio (1940) — Kuroshio Botadura del Kuroshio. Banderas …   Wikipedia Español

  • Kuroshio, Kōchi — nihongo|Kuroshio|黒潮町|Kuroshio chō is a town located in Hata District, Kochi, Japan. The town was formed on March 20, 2006 from the merger of the towns of Ogata and Saga.As of its formation but with 2003 population statistics, the town has an… …   Wikipedia

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