


Antes de incorporarse a Nirvana, Dave Grohl ya había escrito varias canciones por su cuenta.
Después de entrar en esta banda decidió no mostrarles la totalidad de las canciones a sus miembros, porque no le parecieron del todo acorde al sonido de Nirvana.
Por lo tanto, decidió grabar una demo por su cuenta bajo el pseudónimo de "Late!", con la ayuda de su amigo Barrett Jones.
Con este nombre sacó un unico album, al que mombró Pocketwatch, en 1992.

Obtenido de "Late!"

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  • Late — (l[=a]t), a. [Compar. {Later} (l[=a]t [ e]r), or {latter} (l[a^]t t[ e]r); superl. {Latest} (l[=a]t [e^]st) or {Last} (l[.a]st).] [OE. lat slow, slack, AS. l[ae]t; akin to OS. lat, D. laat late, G. lass weary, lazy, slack, Icel. latr, Sw. lat,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • latė — Bendroji  informacija Kirčiuota forma: lãtė Kirčiuotė: 2 Rūšis: naujai skolintos šaknies žodis Kalbos dalis: daiktavardis Kilmė: italų, cafè̀ e latte. Pateikta: 2014 06 02. Reikšmė ir vartosena Apibrėžtis: kava, pagaminta iš espreso kavos ir… …   Lietuvių kalbos naujažodžių duomenynas

  • Late — Late, adv. [AS. late. See {Late}, a.] 1. After the usual or proper time, or the time appointed; after delay; as, he arrived late; opposed to {early}. [1913 Webster] 2. Not long ago; lately. [1913 Webster] 3. Far in the night, day, week, or other… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • late — [lāt] adj. later or latter, latest or last [ME < OE læt, slow, sluggish, tardy, akin to Du laat, Ger lass, slow, lazy < IE * lēid < base * lēi , to neglect, let go > LET1, L lassus, weak] 1. happening, coming, etc. after the usual,… …   English World dictionary

  • Late — may refer to:* The word late (see ) * A delay * A deceased person or thingAlbums * Late , a 2000 album by The 77s * Late! , a pseudonym used by Dave Grohl on his Pocketwatch albumHistory * The final (or most recent) part of a defined historical… …   Wikipedia

  • late — ► ADJECTIVE 1) acting, arriving, or happening after the proper or usual time. 2) belonging or taking place far on in a particular time or period. 3) far on in the day or night. 4) (the/one s late) (of a person) no longer alive. 5) (the/one s… …   English terms dictionary

  • late of — formal phrase if someone is late of a place or organization, they recently lived or worked there but do not live or work there now Thesaurus: to live, stay or work in a particular placesynonym towns, cities and villageshyponym Main entry: late *… …   Useful english dictionary

  • late — [adj1] not on time backward, behind, behindhand, behind time, belated, blown*, delayed, dilatory, eleventh hour*, gone, held up, hung up*, in a bind*, in the lurch*, jammed*, lagging, last minute, missed the boat*, out of luck*, overdue,… …   New thesaurus

  • laţe — LÁŢE s.f. pl. Şuviţe de lână netoarse şi nepieptănate (de pe un animal); p. anal. (la om) şuviţe de păr care atârnă în mod dezordonat; miţe. – et. nec. Trimis de LauraGellner, 18.05.2004. Sursa: DEX 98  láţe s. f. pl. Trimis de siveco,… …   Dicționar Român

  • late — (adj.) O.E. læt occurring after the customary or expected time, originally slow, sluggish, from P.Gmc. *lata (Cf. O.N. latr sluggish, lazy, M.Du., O.S. lat, Ger. laß idle, weary, Goth. lats weary, sluggish, lazy, latjan to hinder ), from PIE *led …   Etymology dictionary

  • late — Late, f. penac. Est une piece de bois fendu de trois à quatre pieds de long, large de trois à quatre poulces, et d espaisseur {{o=despaisseur}} de cinq à six lignes, servant à tenir en estat les chevrons d un comble de bastiment, et à y asseoir… …   Thresor de la langue françoyse

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