Lee Cronbach

Lee Cronbach

Lee Cronbach

Lee Joseph Cronbach (1916 - 2001) was an American educational psychologist who made significant contributions to psychological testing and measurement. Born in Fresno, California, Cronbach received a bachelor's degree from Fresno State College and a master's degree from the University of California, Berkeley. In 1940, he received a doctorate in educational psychology from the University of Chicago. After teaching mathematics and chemistry at Fresno High School, Cronbach took faculty positions at the State College of Washington, the University of Chicago, and the University of Illinois, finally settling at Stanford University in 1964. Cronbach was the president of the American Psychological Association, president of the American Educational Research Association, and Vida Jacks Professor of Education at Stanford University.

Cronbach is most famous for the development of Cronbach's alpha, a method for determining the reliability of educational and psychological tests. His work on test reliability reached an acme with the creation of generalizability theory, a statistical model for identifying and quantifying the sources of measurement error.

Cronbach also published a notable essay, The Two Disciplines of Scientific Psychology, in the American Psychologist magazine in 1957. In it he discussed his thoughts on the increasing divergence between the fields of experimental psychology and correlational psychology (to which he himself belonged).


Kupermintz, H. (2003). Lee J. Cronbach's contributions to educational psychology. En B. J. Zimmerman and D. H. Schunk (Eds.). Educational Psychology: A Century of Contributions [Psicología educativa: Un siglo de contribuciones], pp. 289-302. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.

Enlaces externos

Theodore Newcombe
President of the

American Psychological Association

Harry Harlow
Nathaniel Gage
Presidente de Asociación Psicológica Americana
Benjamin Bloom
Obtenido de "Lee Cronbach"

Wikimedia foundation. 2010.

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