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  • Meisel — ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Edmund Meisel (1894–1930), deutscher Dirigent und Komponist Grete Meisel Heß (1879–1922) österreichische Schriftstellerin Hans Meisel (Autor) (1900–1991), deutscher Autor Hans Meisel (Fußballspieler) (*… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Meisel — or Meisels is a surname and may refer to: Edmund Meisel, German composer Elazar Meisels, an American Orthodox rabbi Hilde Meisel, German Resistance fighter and writer Hubi Meisel John Meisel, Canadian political scientist, professor, and scholar… …   Wikipedia

  • Meisel — Meisel, s.u. Meißel …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Meisel — Meisel,   Kurt, österreichischer Schauspieler, Regisseur und Intendant, * Wien 18. 8. 1912, ✝ ebenda 4. 4. 1994; spielte ab 1936 an Berliner Theatern; 1960 64 Oberspielleiter am Bayerischen Staatsschauspiel München, 1972 83 Intendant ebenda; 1966 …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Meisel — 1. Durch Entrundung entstandene Form von Mäusel. 2. Auf eine mit l Suffix gebildete Koseform von Meis (Bartholomäus, Remigius) zurückgehender Familienname. 3. Meissel. 4. Meusel (2.). Bekannter Namensträger: Kurt Meisel, österreichischer… …   Wörterbuch der deutschen familiennamen

  • MEISEL (Meisl, Meysl, Miška, Akhbar, Maušel, Konír), MORDECAI (Marcus, Marx) BEN SAMUEL — (1528–1601), Prague financier, philanthropist, and head of the Jewish community. He was considered by graetz the first Jewish capitalist in Germany. Although the source of his fabulous wealth is not known, it enabled him to finance large… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • MEISEL, MOSES BEN MORDECAI — (c. 1758–c. 1838), Torah scholar and maskil; born in Vilna. In his youth Meisel was one of the disciples closest to the Vilna Gaon elijah b. solomon zalman . He was familiar with German literature and became deeply interested in the writings of… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • MEISEL, NOAH — (1891–1956), Latvian politician, born in Nesvizh, Belarus. From his student days Meisel was a member of the bund . In World War I he served in the Russian army as a medical officer. After Latvia became independent (1918), he   was appointed… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Meisel, Mordecai Marcus — (1528 1601)    Bohemian financier, philanthropist and communal leader. He was a court banker to the Austrian imperial house, and built the Meisel Synagogue in Prague in 1597; he also financed the building of a hospital, a bet midrash and a mikveh …   Dictionary of Jewish Biography

  • Meisel, Steven — (1954 )    A New York fashion photographer who began his career as an illustrator upon graduation from the Parsons School of Design. After brief stints at Halston and Women s Wear Daily, he fulfilled his lifelong dream of becoming a photographer… …   Historical Dictionary of the Fashion Industry

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