Museo de Israel

Museo de Israel
Santuario del Libro, una parte del museo.
Letrero a la entrada.

Fundado en 1965, el Museo de Israel, Jerusalén localizado cerca del Knéset en Jerusalén (Estado de Israel), ha logrado un estatus de clase mundial en una relativamente corta vida, con colecciones que van desde arqueología prehistórica hasta arte contemporáneo y con un dinámico calendario de exhibiciones temporales, publicaciones y actividades educativas. Es la institución líder de Israel en el campo cultural y es uno de los museos enciclopédicos más grandes del mundo.

En el edificio del Santuario del Libro de este museo se guardan parte de los controvertidos manuscritos del mar Muerto, el resto se encuentran en diferentes museos como; en el Museo Rockefeller de Jerusalén, así como en el Museo del Departamento de Antigüedades en Ammán (Jordania). situado cerca de El Campus Nacional de Arqueología de Israel.

The road sign.

Modelo del Segundo Templo

Modelo del Segundo Templo

Una de las novedades del Museo es el modelo del Templo de Jerusalén era segundo. El modelo reconstruye la topografía y el carácter arquitectónico de la ciudad como lo era antes de 66 dC, año en el que la Gran Revuelta contra los romanos, estalló, dando lugar a la eventual destrucción de la ciudad y el Templo. Originalmente construido en los terrenos de Tierra Santa de Jerusalén Hotel, el modelo, que incluye una réplica del Templo de Herodes, es ahora una característica permanente de 20 hectáreas del Museo (81.000 m2) del campus, al lado del Santuario del Libro

Its terraced complex, comprising nearly 50,000 square meters and a six-acre sculpture garden within its twenty-acre campus attracts over 950,000 visitors each year, about a third of them international tourists and including nearly 100,000 children in the educational programs at its Youth Wing. The Museum is committed to the preservation, study and display of its collections, fosters education for its public from within Israel and abroad, utilizing its extensive holdings of the world's pre-eminent collection of the archaeology of the Holy Land, the world's most comprehensive collections of Judaica and the ethnology of the Jewish people around the world and its fine art holdings from Old Masters in European Art through international contemporary art.

The museum comprises of four curatorial wings:

  • The Art Wing

European Art, Prints and Drawings, Israeli Art, Modern Art, Contemporary Art, Design and Architecture, Photography, East Asian Art, and The Arts of Africa Oceania and the Americas

The Art Garden offers a walkway through the history of twentieth-century sculpture. Works by Rodin, Bourdelle and Maillol represent the beginnings of modern sculpture. A sculpture by David Smith, and a monumental masterpiece and other works by Henry Moore reflect the next important stages in the history of sculpture. A large Richard Serra, a brick structure by the conceptualist Sol LeWitt, and an impressive installation by the American sculptor James Turrell which allows one to gaze at the sky through an opening in the ceilingthese and others represent important contemporary offerings in the medium. The Garden continues to grow and develop, regularly absorbing new sculptures. It lives and changes like the Museum's interiors. To a large extent it proffers the art outwards, pouring it towards the city and towards nature.

  • The Judaica and Jewish Ethnography Wing

A comprehensive collection of Judaica and Jewish Ethnography including four reconstructed synagogues, Jewish manuscripts and collections from Jewish communities around the world.

  • The Archeological Wing

The archaeology of the Land of Israel has its own peculiar array of motifs, ideas and practitioners. Two major themes stretch throughout the history of Holy Land. The first concerns Israel's position as a bridge between the great civilizations of Egypt and Mesopotamia while the second, is the fragmentary, segmented character of society in a landscape that encouraged regionality and discouraged large-scale organization. The history and the archaeology of the Land of Israel are wonderfully enhanced, and at times, complicated, by the fact that three of the world's great religionsJudaism, Christianity and Islamregard it as holy. Archaeologists and curators in this part of the museum, must often deal with historical reality on one hand, and faith on the other. But more than anything else, it is precisely the connection between faith and history that brings two million people a year to visit Israel, many of whom visit the Israel Museum.

The Shrine of the Book which houses rare biblical manuscripts, including the Dead Sea Scrolls.

  • The Youth Wing

The educational wing of the Israel Museum comprises galleries, classrooms and workshops, with an extensive educational programs.

Modelo del Segundo Templo

Second Temple model at Israel Museum

Una de las novedades del Museo es la maqueta de Israel en el Periodo del Segundo Templo. En el modelo se reconstruyó a escala la topografía y el carácter arquitectónico de la ciudad, tal como lo fue antes de 66 dC, año en el que estalló la Gran Revuelta contra los romanos, dando lugar a la eventual destrucción de la ciudad y del propio Templo. Originalmente construida en los terrenos del Hotel Tierra Santa de Jerusalén, la maqueta, que incluye una réplica del Templo de Herodes, es ahora una atracción permanente del Museo, dentro del conjunto de 81,000 metros cuadrados, y se encuentra al lado del Santuario del Libro.

Enlaces externos

Coordenadas: 31°4620.56N 35°1216.29E / 31.7723778, 35.204525

Wikimedia foundation. 2010.

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