National Organization for Women
- National Organization for Women
La Organización Nacional para las Mujeres (en inglés National Organization for Women (NOW) es la mayor organización feminista estadounidense.
NOW fue fundada en 1966 por Betty Friedan, y tiene más de 500,000 miembros contribuyentes y 550 capítulos en los 50 estados de EE.UU y en el Distrito de Columbia.
Enlaces externos
Categorías: - Organizaciones feministas
- Sociología de Estados Unidos
Wikimedia foundation.
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National Organization for Women — Founder(s) 28 men and women, including Betty Friedan, Pauli Murray, and Shirley Chisholm Type 501(c)(3) Founded 1 … Wikipedia
National Organization for Women — a women s rights organization founded in 1966. Abbr.: NOW * * * ▪ American organization American activist organization (founded 1966) that promotes equal rights for women. The National Organization for Women was established by a small … Universalium
National Organization for Women — Die National Organization for Women (NOW) (Nationale Organisation für Frauen) ist die größte US amerikanische feministische Organisation. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Mitglieder 2 Geschichte 3 Anliegen 4 Kritik … Deutsch Wikipedia
National Organization for Women, Inc. v. Scheidler — Supreme Court of the United States Argued December 8, 19 … Wikipedia
National Organization for Women (NOW) Woman of Courage Award Winners — Since 1994, the National Organization for Women (NOW) has presented the Woman of Courage Award annually (in most years) at the National NOW Conference and periodically at issue based summits organized by NOW and/or the NOW Foundation. Honorees… … Wikipedia
Scheidler v. National Organization for Women (2006) — SCOTUSCase Litigants=Scheidler v. National Organization for Women, Inc. ArgueDate=November 30 ArgueYear=2005 DecideDate=February 28 DecideYear=2006 FullName=Joseph Scheidler, et al. v. National Organization for Women, Inc., et al. USVol=547… … Wikipedia
Scheidler v. National Organization for Women, Inc. — Scheidler v. National Organization for Women, Inc. may refer to three different rounds of the same case, all of which were decided by the United States Supreme Court: National Organization for Women, Inc. v. Scheidler, a civil case coming before… … Wikipedia
(the) National Organization for Women — the National Organization for Women [the National Organization for Women] (abbr NOW) a large US organization that works for women’s rights. It was established in 1966 by Betty Friedan, who was … Useful english dictionary
List of Presidents of the National Organization for Women — A list of national presidents of the National Organization for Women (NOW).# Betty Friedan (1966 ndash;1970) # Aileen Hernandez (1970 ndash;1971) # Wilma Scott Heide (1971 ndash;1974) # Karen DeCrow (1974 ndash;1977) # Eleanor Smeal (1977… … Wikipedia
National Organization for Women — National Or|gan|i|za|tion for Wom|en the full name of ↑now … Dictionary of contemporary English