Native title

Native title
Archivo:Aus map covered text lined.JPG
Comunidades indígenas australianas.

El native title es un concepto del derecho de Australia que reconoce la propiedad continuada de la tierra por parte de los aborígenes australianos.

El native title puede coexistir con derechos de propiedad no indígenas y, en algunos casos, grupos aborígenes diferentes pueden ejercer su native title sobre la misma tierra. De esta manera, representa un ejemplo de fragmentación de intereses de propiedad. Más particularmente, es un ejemplo de dos sistemas legales distintos operando dentro del mismo espacio geográfico, nacional y jurisdiccional. Constituye, además, un reconocimiento del derecho aborigen consuetudinario dentro del common law. Sin embargo, en caso de contradicción entre el derecho australiano y el derecho aborigen, los derechos no indígenas generalmente prevalecen.

Wikimedia foundation. 2010.

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Mira otros diccionarios:

  • Native title — is a concept in the law of Australia that recognises in certain cases there was and is a continued beneficial legal interest in land held by local indigenous Australians which survived the acquisition of title to the land by the Crown at the time …   Wikipedia

  • Native Title — ist eine Rechtsauslegung in Australien, die anerkennt, dass Aborigines in manchen Fällen ein andauerndes legales Anrecht an Land haben, das die Kolonisation des Landes durch die britische Krone überdauerte. Der Native Title kann gleichzeitig mit… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • native title — noun (Aust law) The rights of indigenous peoples to ownership of their traditional lands • • • Main Entry: ↑native * * * native title UK US noun [uncountable] in Australia, the right of aboriginal people to own land that they have been using… …   Useful english dictionary

  • native title — noun uncount in Australia, the right of ABORIGINAL people to own land that they have been using since before the time that Europeans arrived …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • native title — /neɪtɪv ˈtaɪtl/ (say naytiv tuytl) noun in Australia, the right to land or water enjoyed by Indigenous people who have maintained their connection to the land or water and whose possession under their traditional law or customs is recognised by… …  

  • Native title in Australia — Native title is the Australian version of the common law doctrine of aboriginal title. Native title is the recognition by Australian law that some Indigenous people have rights and interests to their land that come from their traditional laws and …   Wikipedia

  • Native title legislation in Australia — Commonwealth, State, and Territory Parliaments of Australia have passed legislation codifying and modifying native title under the common law. These include the Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1976 and the Native Title Act 1993. Contents 1 1966 (SA)… …   Wikipedia

  • Native Title Amendment Act 1998 — The Native Title Amendment Act 1998 (Cth), also commonly referred to as the 10 Point Plan is an Australian law created by the John Howard led Liberal government in response to the 1996 Wik Decision by the High Court of Australia. The Native Title …   Wikipedia

  • Native Title Prescribed Body Corporate — A Native Title Prescribed Bodies Corporate (PBC) is an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation especially formed in accordance with Australian native title law to hold the native title of groups of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders …   Wikipedia

  • Native Title Act 1993 — The Native Title Act of 1993 provides for determinations of native title in Australia. The Act was passed by the Keating Labor Government in response to the High Court s decision in Mabo v Queensland (No 2) (1992). The Act commenced operation on… …   Wikipedia

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