Nth Degree

Nth Degree
«Nth Degree»
Sencillo de Morningwood
del álbum Morningwood
Formato Descarga Digital, CD Single
Género(s) Synthpunk
Duración 3:56
Discográfica EMI
Autor(es) Pedro Yanowitz
Cronología de Morningwood

«New York Girls Motomel vx150cc the best (2005)»

«Nth Degree»

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"Nth Degree" es una canción de la banda de Nueva York, Morningwood de su álbum debut homónimo. "Nth Degree" alcanzó el puesto número 30 en el Billboard Modern Rock Tracks. La canción ha sido utilizada en la publicidad de Mercury con la actriz Jill Wagner. En algunos anuncios de la campaña se han editado las voces, pero en la mayoría de estos recortes, se puede oír a Chantal Claret deletrear el nombre de su banda: "M-O, M-O-R, M-O-R-N-I-N-G-W-O-O-D".

Vídeo Musical

El vídeo comienza con una persona que navega a través de algunos registros. Cada registro muestra la banda en conjuntos y trajes cuidadosamente calculado en referencia a parodias de otros famosos alrededor de 16 carátulas de discos musicales o vídeoclips de música popular del siglo XX. El álbum Morningwood es seleccionado y empieza a sonar hasta el termino del vídeo.

Enlaces externos

Wikimedia foundation. 2010.

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Mira otros diccionarios:

  • nth degree — Although not mathematically accurate, nth degree is a popular expression for the utmost extent or to a high degree or power : Abigail believes in living life to the nth degree. Aside from there being no sense of largeness or greatness in the… …   Dictionary of problem words and expressions

  • Nth Degree (song) — Nth Degree Single by Morningwood from the album Morningwood Released Se …   Wikipedia

  • nth degree — Synonyms and related words: acme, all, apogee, ceiling, climax, crown, end, extreme, extremity, highest degree, limit, maximum, ne plus ultra, peak, pinnacle, summit, the whole, top, utmost, utmost extent, uttermost …   Moby Thesaurus

  • nth degree — (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. & adj. utmost, highest degree, maximum. See superiority …   English dictionary for students

  • The Nth Degree (Star Trek: The Next Generation) — The Nth Degree Star Trek: The Next Generation episode Barclay, holographically interfaced into the Enterprise s main computer …   Wikipedia

  • to the nth degree — to the utmost the gullibility of the electorate was tested to the nth degree by such promises * * * to the nth degree see ↑nth • • • Main Entry: ↑degree to the nth degree : extremely : as much as possible He is dedicated to the n …   Useful english dictionary

  • to the nth degree — {adv. phr.} To the greatest degree possible; extremely; very much so. * /Scales must be accurate to the nth degree./ * /His choice of words was exactly to the nth degree./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • to the nth degree — {adv. phr.} To the greatest degree possible; extremely; very much so. * /Scales must be accurate to the nth degree./ * /His choice of words was exactly to the nth degree./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • The Nth Degree — may refer to: The degree of a polynomial, where n represents a natural number The Nth Degree (Star Trek: The Next Generation) Nth Degree (song), a song by New York City band Morningwood A saying meaning that something is raised to a very high… …   Wikipedia

  • to\ the\ nth\ degree — adv. phr. To the greatest degree possible; extremely; very much so. Scales must be accurate to the nth degree. His choice of words was exactly to the nth degree …   Словарь американских идиом

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