OLE Automation

OLE Automation

En los programas de aplicación de Microsoft Windows, OLE Automation (posteriormente renombrado por Microsoft a Automation), es un mecanismo formal de comunicación entre procesos basado en COM. Facilita una infraestructura que permite que aplicaciones llamadas automation controllers puedan acceder, manipular y compartir automation objects (por ejemplo, propiedades o métodos de otras aplicaciones). El predecesor Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) fue un antiguo mecanismo de control entre aplicaciones. Como con DDE, en OLE Automation el controlador es el "cliente" y, la aplicación que exporta los objetos de automatización, el servidor.

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Mira otros diccionarios:

  • OLE Automation — In Microsoft Windows applications programming, OLE Automation (later renamed by Microsoft to just Automation,[1][2] although the old term remained in widespread use), is an inter process communication mechanism based on Component Object Model… …   Wikipedia

  • OLE Automation — Dans la programmation d applications Microsoft Windows, OLE Automation (rebaptisé par la suite Automation par Microsoft, même si l ancienne appellation demeure largement utilisée), est le mécanisme de communication inter processus basé sur… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Microsoft OLE Automation — OLE Automation  технология компании Microsoft, позволяющая обращаться к COM объектам из интерпретаторов скриптовых языков, таких, как VBScript (на настоящий момент поддержка обращений к OA объектам есть в Windows версиях всех популярных… …   Википедия

  • OLE — OLE, Ole or Olé may also refer to: Ole (name), a male given name, includes people named Ole Object Linking and Embedding, a distributed object system and protocol developed by Microsoft OLE Automation, an inter process communication mechanism… …   Wikipedia

  • Automation (disambiguation) — Automation is the operation of machinery without human supervision. Automation may also refer to: Computing *Build automation, the use of managed make tools *Business process automation, streamlining business operations with software *Electronic… …   Wikipedia

  • OLE for process control — (OPC), which stands for Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) for Process Control, is the original name for a standards specification developed in 1996 by an industrial automation industry task force. The standard specifies the communication of real …   Wikipedia

  • OLE DB — (англ. Object Linking and Embedding, Database)  набор интерфейсов, основанных на COM, которые позволяют приложениям обращаться к данным, хранимым в разных источниках информации или хранилищах данных с помощью унифицированного доступа.… …   Википедия

  • OLE DB — (Object Linking and Embedding, Database, sometimes written as OLEDB or OLE DB) is an API designed by Microsoft for accessing data from a variety of sources in an uniform manner. It is a set of interfaces implemented using the Component Object… …   Wikipedia

  • Automation — (ancient Greek: = self dictated ), roboticization or industrial automation or numerical control is the use of control systems such as computers to control industrial machinery and processes, reducing the need for human intervention. [cite web url …   Wikipedia

  • OLE DB provider — An OLE DB provider is a software component enabling an OLE DB consumer to interact with a data source. OLE DB providers are analogous to ODBC drivers, JDBC drivers, and ADO.NET data providers. OLE DB providers can be created to access such simple …   Wikipedia

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