Paddy Moloney

Paddy Moloney

Paddy Moloney

Paddy Moloney (nacido el 1 de agosto de 1938 en Donnycarney, Dublín es el líder del grupo folk irlandés The Chieftains. Flautista y gaitero, maestro del uilleann pipes, aprendió de otro gran intérprete, Leo Rowsome.

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  • the Chieftains —    Paddy Moloney (b. 1938) uilleann pipes, tin whistle; Seán Potts (b. 1931) tin whistle, bodhran (member until 1978); Michael Tubridy (b. 1935) flute, concertina, whistle (member until 1979); Martin Fay (b. 1936) fiddle; Seán Keane (b. 1946)… …   The Encyclopedia of Stanley Kubrick

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