Réseaux IP Européens (RIPE) es un foro colaborativo para los grupos interesados en redes IP. El objetivo de RIPE es asegurar la coordinación administrativa y técnica necesaria para que funcione Internet dentro de la región de RIPE. IPv6 parece estar más cerca de su implantación operativa, por tanto se incrementan las actividades al respecto. Se establecen nuevos túneles con redes de México y Chile, ya se dispone de un rango /35 asignado por RIPE para su distribución, también se participa muy activamente en el grupo Ipv6 de TEN-155 y se dan varias ponencias invitadas en foros especializados Para Latinoamérica Sería Ripe 9.

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Mira otros diccionarios:

  • ripe — ripe …   Dictionnaire des rimes

  • ripe´ly — ripe «ryp», adjective, rip|er, rip|est. 1. full grown and ready to be gathered and eaten; mature: »ripe fruit, ripe grain, ripe vegetables. SYNONYM(S): mellow, matured …   Useful english dictionary

  • ripe — [ rip ] n. f. • 1676; de riper ♦ Techn. Outil de tailleur de pierre et de sculpteur, en forme de S, dont une partie est munie de dents fines et serrées, qui sert au ripage. ● ripe nom féminin (de riper) Outil qui sert à gratter une sculpture, une …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • ripe — [raıp] adj comparative riper superlative ripest [: Old English;] 1.) ripe fruit or crops are fully grown and ready to eat ≠ ↑unripe ▪ Those tomatoes aren t ripe yet. 2.) be ripe for sth to be ready for a change to happen, especially when it… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • ripe — [rīp] adj. riper, ripest [OE, akin to REAP] 1. fully grown or developed; specif., ready to be harvested and used for food, as grain or fruit 2. like ripe fruit, as in being ruddy and full [ripe lips] 3. sufficiently advanced, as by being kept in… …   English World dictionary

  • ripe — [ raıp ] adjective * 1. ) ripe fruit or crops have grown to their full size and are ready to eat or use: a ripe juicy peach a ) ripe cheese or wine has a strong flavor 2. ) INFORMAL having a strong or unpleasant smell 3. ) language or humor that… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • Ripe — (r[imac]p), a. [Compar. {Riper} (r[imac]p [ e]r); superl. {Ripest}.] [AS. r[=i]pe; akin to OS. r[=i]pi, D. rijp, G. rief, OHG. r[=i]ft; cf. AS. r[=i]p harvest, r[=i]pan to reap. Cf. {Reap}.] 1. Ready for reaping or gathering; having attained… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Ripe — may refer to:* Ripening, especially of fruit * RIPE, Réseaux IP Européens * RIPE NCC, the Regional Internet Registry (RIR) for Europe * Ripeness, a term in law * Ripe, East Sussex, in England * Ripe (AN), in Italy * Ripe (film), a 1997 drama by… …   Wikipedia

  • Ripe — beziehungsweise RIPE steht für: RIPE Network Coordination Centre, eine für die Vergabe von IP Adressbereichen zuständige Organisation Réseaux IP Européens, ein zur Administration und Koordinierung des Internets gegründetes Forum Personen mit dem… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • ripe — adj 1: of, relating to, or being a claim for relief that is ready for judicial resolution because the injury is certain to occur and is not merely hypothetical or speculative compare moot 2: ready and appropriate for disclosure because reasonably …   Law dictionary

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