Round Table

Round Table

Round Table

ROUND TABLE featuring Nino
Información personal
Origen Japón Bandera de Japón
Información artística
Género(s) J-Pop
Período de actividad 1997 (ROUND TABLE), 2002 (ROUND TABLE featuring Nino) - Presente

Round Table (oficialmente ROUND TABLE) es una banda de J-Pop muy conocida sobre todo por sus bandas sonoras de anime. La banda se formó en 1997 con Katsutoshi Kitagawa (voz, guitarra y bajo) y Rieko Ito (voz y teclado), como los miembros de la banda. En 2002 se sumó Nino como vocalista. Desde entonces sus canciones a menudo se han acreditado como ROUND TABLE featuring Nino.


Discografía (ROUND TABLE)


  1. Ride on the Big Wave
  2. Get on the Bicycle!
  3. Exotic Ooh-Room
  4. In the Season
  5. Wild Chocolate Brothers
  1. Chocolate
  2. Glass Green Polka
  3. Do the Afro
  4. One Day in the September
  5. Little Brownie's Theme
  1. Cool Club Rule
  2. Domino Time Rag
  3. Viva!Brownie
  1. Perfect World
  2. Glad To Be Unhappy
  3. Do It Again
  1. Every Every Every
  2. Radio Burnin'
  3. All The Way Down


  1. Repeat after me
  2. Windy
  3. World's End
  4. So Little Time
  5. Mexican Drag Race
  6. Arifureta1日 (ありふれた1日)
  7. One more time!!
  1. Light a Candle
  2. Tiny Adventure
  3. Everyboody's Talkin'
  4. Radio Time a GO-GO!!
  5. Up to Wednesday, 3p.m.
  6. Revenge of the Radio Time
  7. Picnic
  8. Make a Wish, Blow Out a Candle
  1. How do You Feel?
  2. Feelin' Groovy
  3. Don't Ask Me Why
  4. Stillness
  5. Highway 69
  6. Mad Engine joe
  7. Beat de jump
  8. Doo-Wop Feelin'
  1. Domino
  2. Brownie
  3. Cool Club Rule
  4. Holiday
  5. Play The March
  6. Summer Rain
  7. Battle Cop B.B.
  8. Desert Side of The Moon
  9. Ring A Bell
  10. Christmas Time
  11. Domino Again
  12. Everything You Know
  1. Here Comes The Big Wave
  2. HolidayMix '72
  3. One Little Cowboy
  4. Let's Go To The Beach!
  5. Jazz On a Holiday
  6. Ukulele To The Beach
  7. You Baby
  8. Sunset Holiday
  9. End Theme
  10. Big Wave '71Reprise
  1. Mr.Cannonballer
  2. Perfect World
  3. Moon Light
  4. Everlasting Daydream
  5. It's O.K.? Mr. No.1
  6. Bamallama Baby
  7. Mr.Cannonballer Strikes Back
  8. FLY
  9. Timeless
  10. So Many Colors
  11. Brand New Car
  12. Say Goodbye
  1. Introduction
  2. Chocolate
  3. Cool Club Rule
  4. HolidayMix '72
  5. World's End
  6. Back on My Feet Again
  7. Theme from Look Around
  8. Radio Time a Go-Go!!
  9. Brownie
  10. Get on the Bicycle!
  11. Windy
  12. Beat de Jump
  13. Picnic
  14. It's a Sunshine Day
  15. Feelin' Groovy
  16. Look Around Bossa
  1. Viva! Samba Parade
  2. Big Wave
  3. Let's Go To The Beach!(Copacabana Mix
  4. Big Wave 2・0・0・0
  5. Tiny AdventureCool Summer Mix
  6. Find Your Step!
  7. Boys Don't Cry
  8. Corcovado
  9. Viva! Samba Carnival
  1. Come On! Come On!
  2. Every Every EveryRadio Radio Radio Mix
  3. Goin' To the Radio Show
  4. Radio Time #1
  5. Hello! It's You
  6. No No - Yeah yeah
  7. Baby Baby
  8. Radio Is Burning
  9. Radio Time #2
  10. Everyday
  11. Across The Highway
  12. 1,2,3 for Jump
  13. No Reaction
  14. You Are No.1
  15. Good Night Rosie
  16. Come On! Come On!(Reprise
  1. Opening
  2. Big Wave Sunset
  3. Let Me
  4. Bossa Rie
  5. Youngmen Blues
  6. Life
  7. In the Rain
  8. Tell Me Why

Discografía (ROUND TABLE featuring Nino)


  1. Let Me Be With You
  2. Book End Bossa
  3. Let Me Be With YouInstrumental
  1. New World
  2. Beautiful
  3. New WorldInstrumental
  1. Sunny Side Hill
  2. Message
  3. Sunny Side HillInstrumental
  4. MessageInstrumental
  1. Groovin' Magic
  2. Stay With Me
  3. Groovin' MagicInstrumental
  1. Rainbow
  2. Just For You
  3. RainbowInstrumental
  4. Just For YouInstrumental
  1. Natsu Machi (夏待ち)
  2. Shiosai (潮騒)
  3. 夏待ちInstrumental
  4. 潮騒Instrumental
  1. Puzzle (パズル)
  2. Atashi Datte Onaji Koto Omotteruyo(あたしだって同じこと思ってるよ)
  3. パズルInstrumental
  4. あたしだって同じこと思ってるよInstrumental)
  1. Koi wo Shiteru (恋をしてる)
  2. Symphony (シンフォニー)
  3. Takaramono -homemade demo ver.- (宝物-homemade demo ver.)
  4. 恋をしてる-without Nino-
  5. シンフォニー-without Nino-
  1. Nagareboshi (ナガレボシ)
  2. Akaneiro Sentimental (茜色センチメンタル)
  3. Inori (祈り)
  4. ナガレボシ -without Nino-
  5. 茜色センチメンタル -without Nino-


  1. Let Me Be With You
  2. Dancin' All Night
  3. Beautiful
  4. New World
  5. Day By Day
  6. Birthday
  7. Book End Bossa
  8. Where Is Love
  9. Today
  10. In April
  11. Love Me Baby
  12. Let Me Be With YouNew Step Mix
  1. Be Your Girl
  2. Groovin' Magic
  3. Puzzle ~Extra Hot Mix~ (パズル ~Extra Hot Mix~)
  4. Natsu Machi (夏待ち)
  5. Message
  6. Just For You
  7. Shiosai (潮騒)
  8. Hello Goodbye (ハローグッバイ)
  9. Sunny Side Hill
  10. Stay With Me
  11. Rainbow
  12. Just a Little

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  • Round Table — Round Ta|ble [ raʊnd teɪbl̩ ], der; [engl. round table, eigtl. = runder Tisch, in Anlehnung an: Round Table = Tafelrunde des Königs Artus]: Kurzf. von ↑ Round Table Konferenz. * * * Round Table   [raʊnd teɪbl; englisch »runder Tisch«] der, ,… …   Universal-Lexikon

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  • round-table — adj [only before noun] a round table discussion is one in which everyone can talk about things in an equal way round table discussion/meeting/talks …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Round Table — n. 1. Arthurian Legend a) the large table around which King Arthur and his knights sit: it is circular to avoid disputes about precedence b) King Arthur and his knights, collectively 2. [r t ] a) a group gathered together for an informal… …   English World dictionary

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