


País Bandera de Francia Francia
• Región Lorena
• Departamento Vosgos
• Distrito distrito de Neufchâteau
• Cantón cantón de Mirecourt
• Mancomunidad Communauté de communes du Xaintois
Ubicación 48°20′47″N 5°58′24″E / 48.3463888889, 5.9733333333348°20′47″N 5°58′24″E / 48.3463888889, 5.97333333333
• Altitud n/d
(mín.: 319, máx.: 373)
Superficie 3,46 km²
Población 67 hab. (1999)
• Densidad 19,36 hab./km²
Código postal 88500
Alcalde Bernard Thierry
2008 - 2014
Código INSEE 88389
Ubicación de Repel en Francia

Repel es una población y comuna francesa, en la región de Lorena, departamento de Vosgos, en el distrito de Neufchâteau y cantón de Mirecourt.


Datos de población
1962 1968 1975 1982 1990 1999
109 111 112 94 79 67
Para los censos de 1962 a 1999 la población legal corresponde a la población sin duplicidades, según define el INSEE.

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Obtenido de "Repel"

Wikimedia foundation. 2010.

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Mira otros diccionarios:

  • repel — [ri pel′] vt. repelled, repelling [ME repellen < L repellere, to drive back < re , back + pellere, to drive: see PULSE1] 1. to drive or force back; hold or ward off [to repel an attack] 2. to refuse to accept, agree to, or submit to; reject …   English World dictionary

  • Repel — Re**pel (r? p?l ), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Repelled} ( p?ld ); p. pr. & vb. n. {Repelling}.] [L. repellere, repulsum; pref. re re + pellere to drive. See {Pulse} a beating, and cf. {Repulse}, {Repeal}.] 1. To drive back; to force to return; to check …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • repel — [v1] push away; repulse beat back, beat off, brush off, buck, cast aside, chase away, check, confront, cool*, cut, decline, dismiss, disown, dispute, drive away, drive back, drive off, duel, fend off, fight, force back, force off, give cold… …   New thesaurus

  • Repel — Re*pel , v. i. To act with force in opposition to force impressed; to exercise repulsion. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Repel — is a village and commune in the Vosges département of northeastern also*Communes of the Vosges department …   Wikipedia

  • repel — I (disgust) verb alienate, appall, be unpalatable, cause aversion, cause dislike, displease, excite dislike, fill with loathing, frighten, give offense, grate, horrify, incense, irritate, make one shudder, make one sick, make unwelcome, nauseate …   Law dictionary

  • repel — early 15c., to drive away, remove, from O.Fr. repeller, from L. repellere to drive back, from re back + pellere to drive, strike (see PULSE (Cf. pulse) (1)). Meaning to affect (a person) with distaste or aversion is from 1817 …   Etymology dictionary

  • repel — has inflected forms repelled, repelling …   Modern English usage

  • repel — ► VERB (repelled, repelling) 1) drive or force back or away. 2) be repulsive or distasteful to. 3) formal refuse to accept; reject. 4) (of a magnetic pole or electric field) force (something similarly magnetized or charged) away. 5) (of a… …   English terms dictionary

  • Repel — 48° 20′ 47″ N 5° 58′ 24″ E / 48.3463888889, 5.97333333333 …   Wikipédia en Français

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