Richard Keith Sprigg

Richard Keith Sprigg

Richard Keith Sprigg

Richard Keith Sprigg (nacido 1922), lingüista británico especializado en la fonología de las lenguas asiáticas.



Estudia bajo la dirección de J. R. Firth, y es miembro de la primera generación de lingüistas británicos profesionales. En consecuencia, Sprigg defiende el método fonológico prosódico de Firth.

Sprigg ha trabajado en investigaciones sobre diversas lenguas tibetano-birmanas incluyendo el lepcha, y también en varios dialectos del idioma tibetano. Durante varios años enseñó en la School of Oriental and African Studies

Se retiró a Kalimpong, en Bengala Occidental.


  • Sprigg, Richard Keith. 1954 "Verbal Phrases in Lhasa Tibetan--I".Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 16.1:134-156.
  • Sprigg, Richard Keith. 1954 "Verbal Phrases in Lhasa Tibetan--II".Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 16.2:320-350.
  • Sprigg, Richard Keith. 1954 "Verbal Phrases in Lhasa Tibetan--III".Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 16.3:566-591.
  • Sprigg, Richard Keith. 1955 "The Tonal System of Tibetan (Lhasa Dialect) and the Nominal Phrase." Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London 17.1:133-153.
  • Sprigg, Richard Keith. 1961. "Vowel harmony in Lhasa Tibetan, prosodic analysis applied to interrelated vocalic features of successive syllables." Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 24: 116–138.
  • Sprigg, Richard Keith. 1963. "A comparison of Arakanese and Burmese based on phonological formulae." Shorto, H.L. (ed.) Linguistic Comparison in South East Asia and the Pacific: 109-132.
  • Sprigg, Richard Keith. 1966. "Lepcha and Balti Tibetan, tonal or non tonal." Asia Major, New Series. 12: 185–201.
  • Sprigg, Richard Keith. 1966. “Phonological formulae for the verb in Limbu as a contribution to Tibeto-Burman comparison.” In: Charles Ernest Bazel et al. (eds.): In memory of J.R. Firth. London: Longmans:431-53
  • Sprigg, R.K. 1967. “Balti-Tibetan Verb Syllable Finals and a Prosodic Analysis.” Asia Major 13:187-210
  • Sprigg, Richard Keith. 1968. "The role of 'R' in the development of the modern spoken Tibetan dialects." Acta Orientalia Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 21.3. 301-311
  • Sprigg, Richard Keith. 1970 “Vyajñanabhakti, and irregularities in the Tibetan Verb.” Bulletin of Tibetology 72: 5-20
  • Sprigg, Richard Keith. 1972 "Assimilation, and the definite nominal particle in Balti Tibetan." 'Bulletin of Tibetology 9.2: 5–19.
  • Sprigg, Richard Keith. 1972 "A Polysystemic Approach, in Proto-Tibetan Reconstruction, to Tone and Syllable-Initial Consonant Clusters". Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 35.3: 546-587.
  • Sprigg, Richard Keith. 1974. "The main features of the Tibetan dialect." Bulletin of Tibetology 11.1: 11–15.
  • Sprigg, Richard Keith. 1979. “The Golok dialect and Written Tibetan past-tense verb forms”. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 42:53-60
  • Sprigg, Richard Keith. 1980. “‘Vocalic alternation’ in Balti, the Lhasa, and the Sherpa verb, as a guide to alternation in Written Tibetan, and to Proto-Tibetan Reconstruction”. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 43:110-122
  • Sprigg, Richard Keith. 1980. "Vowel harmony in noun-and-particle words in the Tibetan of Baltistan." Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 43: 511–519/AOH 34: 235–43.
  • Sprigg, Richard Keith. 1981. “The Chang-Shefts tonal analysis, and the pitch variation of the Lhasa Tibetan tones.” Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area 6.1:49-60
  • Sprigg, Richard Keith. 1985. “The Limbu s and t-final verb roots after Michailovsky 1979 and Weidert 1982.” Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area 8/2:1-35
  • Sprigg, Richard Keith (1987). “‘Rhinoglottophilia’ revisited: observations on ‘the mysterious connection between nasality and glottality.’” Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area 10.1. 44-62.
  • Sprigg, Richard Keith. 1993. "Controversy in the tonal analysis of Tibetan." Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 56: 470–501.
  • Sprigg, Richard Keith. 1996. "My Balti-Tibetan and English dictionary, and its predecessors." The Tibet Journal 21.4: 3–22.
  • Sprigg, Richard Keith. 1997 "A Tonal Analysis of Gurung, with Separate Systems for Register and Contour Pitch Features" Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 60.3:448-454.
  • Sprigg, Richard Keith (2002). Balti-English English-Balti dictionary. Richmond: RoutledgeCurzon.


  • Sprigg, Richard Keith 1967. Review of Grundlagen der Phonetik des Lhasa-Dialektes by Eberhardt Richter and A Manual of Spoken Tibetan (Lhasa dialect), by Kun Chang and Betty Shefts Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 30.1: 210-216.
  • Sprigg, Richard Keith (1967). (Review of Róna-Tas Tibeto-Mongolica: The Loanwords of Mongour and the Development of the Archaic Tibetan Dialects. Indo-Iranian Monographs 7. The Hague: Mouton. 1966). Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 30.1: 216-217.
  • Sprigg, Richard Keith (1973). (Review of Paul Benedict. A Conspectus of Sino-Tibetan Cambridge University Press. 1972)Asia Major 19.1: 100-106.
  • Sprigg, Richard Keith (1974). (Review of James A. Matisoff's) “The Loloish Tonal Split Revisited.” Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 37.1: 259-262.
  • Sprigg, Richard Keith. 1986. (Review of Roland Bielmeier, Das Märchen vom Prinzen Čobzaŋ). Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area 9.2: 83–89.
  • Sprigg, Richard Keith. 1989. “Review of A Grammar of Limbu by George van Driem.” Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 52.1:163-5


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