Ronald F. Maxwell

Ronald F. Maxwell

Ronald F. Maxwell

Ronald F. Maxwell (nacido el 3 de enero de 1949) es un director y guionista de cine independiente nacido en Clifton, New Jersey. Es mayormente conocido por dirigir la película de 1993[1] Gettysburg y la de 2003[2] Gods and Generals, sobre la Guerra Civil Estadounidense. La tercera parte de la trilogía sobre la Guerra civil, escrita por Michael Shaara y su hijo Jeffrey Shaara, The Last Full Measure, está aún a falta de financiación. Tras el estreno de las dos primeras partes, Ted Turner, abandonó el proyecto debido a la pobre acogida de Gods and Generals.

Nacido en New Jersey, Maxwell cursó estudios en la Clifton High School.[3] Graduado por la Universidad de Nueva York (NYU) Institute of Film a finales de los sesenta, es miembro de la Writers Guild of America, East, Directors Guild of America y de la Academia de las Artes y las Ciencias Cinematográficas de Hollywood.


  • Sea Marks (1976) (TV)
  • Verna: U.S.O. Girl (1978) (TV)
  • Little Darlings (1980)
  • The Night the Lights Went Out in Georgia (1981)
  • Kidco (1984)
  • Parent Trap II (1986) (TV)
  • In the Land of the Poets (1987)
  • Gettysburg (1993)
  • Gods and Generals (2003)
  • Resistencia: The Civil War in Nicaragua (2007)
  • The Last Full Measure (En conversaciones)


  1. Holden, Stephen. "Review/Film; When War Was All Glory and Bands and Death", The New York Times, 8 de octubre de 1993. Entrada 22 de octubre de 2007. "Ronald F. Maxwell's four-hour cinematic re-creation of the battle that was the turning point of the Civil War has a stately tone and meticulous attention to historical detail that make it feel more like an epic documentary than a dramatic film. "Gettysburg," adapted by Mr. Maxwell from Michael Shaara's novel "The Killer Angels," limits itself to the first three days of July 1863, when 150,000 soldiers threw themselves into a battle in which more than a quarter of them became casualties."
  2. Holden, Stephen. "FILM REVIEW; Gory, Glory Hallelujah: Not Just Whistlin' 'Dixie'", The New York Times, 21 de febrero de 2003. Entrada 22 de octubre de 2007. "Both films were written and directed by Ronald F. Maxwell and adapted from a sequence of Civil War books begun by Michael Shaara, whose 1974 novel, The Killer Angels, became the movie Gettsysburg. Since Shaara's death in 1988, his work has been carried on by his son, Jeff, whose novel Gods and Generals was published seven years ago."
  3. Biography: Ronald F. Maxwell - Narrator, Horses of Gettysburg. Entrada 17 de junio de 2007. "Ronald F. Maxwell is the son of a World War II veteran and a French war bride. He grew up in New Jersey where he graduated from Clifton High School."

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