


"Shape" es el cuarto y último single de Angels with Dirty Faces, segundo álbum de estudio de Sugababes. Es una versión de Shape of my heart, de Sting. Este single debutó en el número 11 de la lista británica de singles, que fue a su vez, su máxima posición. En Reino Unido se vendieron 40.000 copias aproximadamente.Ventas mundiales del single son de 1.000.000 de copias, claro que hubo muchas importaciones de .


Lista Máx. posición
Holanda 7
Irlanda 9
Reino Unido 11
España 8
Francia 23
Japón 32
Filipinas 26
Noruega 16
Suecia 27
Finlandia 20
Rep. Checa 3
Lista mundial 29
Alemania 39
Suíza 40
Portugal 15
Grecia 20
Dinamarka 7
Bélgica 16
Austria 50
Australia 75
Nueva Zelandia 12

Single anterior: Stronger / Angels with Dirty Faces Próximo single: Hole In The Head.

Obtenido de "Shape"

Wikimedia foundation. 2010.

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Mira otros diccionarios:

  • shape — ► NOUN 1) the external form or appearance of someone or something as produced by their outline. 2) a piece of material, paper, etc., made or cut in a particular form. 3) a particular condition or state: the house was in poor shape. 4) a specific… …   English terms dictionary

  • shape — [shāp] n. [ME schap < OE (ge)sceap, form, created thing, akin to scieppan, to create, form < IE * skeb , var. of base * (s)kep , to cut with a sharp tool > SHAFT, SHAVE] 1. that quality of a thing which depends on the relative position… …   English World dictionary

  • Shape — Shape, n. [OE. shap, schap, AS. sceap in gesceap creation, creature, fr. the root of scieppan, scyppan, sceppan, to shape, to do, to effect; akin to OS. giskeppian, OFries. skeppa, D. scheppen, G. schaffen, OHG. scaffan, scepfen, skeffen, Icer.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • shape — UK US /ʃeɪp/ noun [U or S] ► the way that something is organized, or its general character or nature: the shape of sth »Technological developments have changed the shape of industry. »We need to change the whole shape of our ad campaign. ► the… …   Financial and business terms

  • Shape-0 — Datos generales Origen Tampico , Madero, Tamaulipas Información artística …   Wikipedia Español

  • Shape — (sh[=a]p), v. t. [imp. {Shaped} (sh[=a]pt); p. p. {Shaped} or {Shapen} (sh[=a]p n); p. pr. & vb. n. {Shaping}.] [OE. shapen, schapen, AS. sceapian. The p. p. shapen is from the strong verb, AS. scieppan, scyppan, sceppan, p. p. sceapen. See… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • shape up — {v. phr.}, {informal} 1. To begin to act or work right; get along satisfactorily. * /If the new boy doesn t begin to shape up soon, he ll have to leave school./ * / How is the building of the new gym coming along? Fine. It s shaping up very well …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • shape up — {v. phr.}, {informal} 1. To begin to act or work right; get along satisfactorily. * /If the new boy doesn t begin to shape up soon, he ll have to leave school./ * / How is the building of the new gym coming along? Fine. It s shaping up very well …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • Shape — ist die Kurzbezeichnung des NATO Hauptquartieres, siehe Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe ein grafisches Objekt in der Computergrafik, ähnlich einem Sprite, siehe Shape (Computergrafik) ein Dateiformat des Unternehmens ESRI, siehe… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • SHAPE —   [ʃeɪp, englisch], Abkürzung für Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe [sʊ priːm hedkwɔːtəz ælaɪd paʊəz jʊərəp; englisch »Oberstes Hauptquartier der Alliierten Streitkräfte in Europa«], höchste militärische Kommandobehörde der… …   Universal-Lexikon

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