
Álbum de Porcupine Tree
Publicación Septiembre de 1996
Grabación 1996
Género(s) Rock progresivo
Duración 61:56
Discográfica Delerium Records (edición original)
Snapper Music (re-edición)
Calificaciones profesionales
Cronología de Porcupine Tree

The Sky Moves Sideways


Stupid Dream

Signify es el cuarto álbum de estudio de la banda inglesa de rock progresivo Porcupine Tree, editado por primera vez en septiembre de 1996. Es el primer disco en el que el compositor principal de la banda, Steven Wilson, se rodea de más músicos para la grabación de un trabajo. Estos músicos son Richard Barbieri (teclado), Colin Edwin (bajo) y Chris Maitland (batería). Fue re-editado en 2003 en el sello Snapper Music con un disco extra que contiene pistas no incluidas en la edición original y que fueron grabadas en las sesiones de grabación de Signify, con el nombre de Insignificance.

Lista de canciones

Edición original

  1. "Bornlivedie" (Wilson/Barbieri) – 1:41
  2. "Signify" (Wilson) – 3:26
  3. "The Sleep of No Dreaming" (Wilson) – 5:24
  4. "Pagan" (Wilson) – 1:34
  5. "Waiting (Phase One)" (Wilson) – 4:24
  6. "Waiting (Phase Two)" (Wilson) – 6:15
  7. "Sever" (Wilson) – 5:30
  8. "Idiot Prayer" (Wilson/Edwin) – 7:37
  9. "Every Home Is Wired" (Wilson) – 5:08
  10. "Intermediate Jesus" (Wilson/Barbieri/Edwin/Maitland) – 7:29
  11. ""Light Mass Prayers"" (Maitland) – 4:28
  12. "Dark Matter" (Wilson) – 8:57


  1. "Wake As Gun I" – 3:29
  2. "Hallogallo" (Cover de Neu!) – 3:37
  3. "Signify" – 3:27
  4. "Waiting" – 6:56
  5. "Smiling Not Smiling" – 3:49
  6. "Wake As Gun II" – 2:06
  7. "Neural Rust" – 5:53
  8. "Dark Origins" – 6:54
  9. "Sever Tomorrow" – 6:04
  10. "Nine Cats" (Versión acústica) – 4:08

Wikimedia foundation. 2010.

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Mira otros diccionarios:

  • Signify — Sig ni*fy, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Signified}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Signifying}.] [F. signifier, L. significare; signum a sign + ficare (in comp.) to make. See {Sign}, n., and { fy}.] 1. To show by a sign; to communicate by any conventional token, as… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • signify — [sig′nə fī΄] vt. signified, signifying [ME signifien < OFr signifier < L significare < signum, a SIGN + facere, to make, DO1] 1. to be a sign or indication of; mean [the rags that signify their poverty] 2. to show or make known, as by a… …   English World dictionary

  • signify — mid 13c., from O.Fr. signifier (12c.), from L. significare to show by signs, mean, signify, from significus (adj.), from signum sign (see SIGN (Cf. sign) (n.)) + root of facere to make (see FACTITIOUS (Cf. factitious)). Intrans. sense of to be of …   Etymology dictionary

  • signify — [v1] mean, indicate add up to, announce, bear, be a sign of, bespeak, betoken, carry, communicate, connote, convey, denote, disclose, evidence, evince, exhibit, express, flash, imply, import, insinuate, intend, intimate, manifest, matter, portend …   New thesaurus

  • signify — ► VERB (signifies, signfied) 1) be an indication of. 2) be a symbol of; have as meaning. 3) indicate or declare (a feeling or intention). 4) be of importance: the locked door doesn t necessarily signify. DERIVATIVES significatio …   English terms dictionary

  • signify — I (denote) verb betoken, connotate, connote, delineate, demonstrate, depict, evidence, evince, exemplify, hint, illustrate, imply, indicate, insinuates, intimate, manifest, mark, mean, point out, portray, purport, represent, reveal, show, stand… …   Law dictionary

  • signify — *import, *mean, denote Analogous words: convey, *carry, bear: *denote, connote: imply, *suggest …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Signify — Infobox Album | Name = Signify Type = Album Artist = Porcupine Tree Caption = Cover art by John Blackford Released = September, 1996 Recorded = 1996 Genre = Progressive rock Length = 61:56 Label = Delerium Reviews = *Allmusic Rating|4|5… …   Wikipedia

  • signify — sig|ni|fy [ˈsıgnıfaı] v past tense and past participle signified present participle signifying third person singular signifies [not in progressive] [Date: 1200 1300; : Old French; Origin: signifier, from Latin significare, from signum; SIGN1] 1.) …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • signify — verb (not in progressive) 1 (T) to represent, mean, or be a sign of something: Some tribes use special facial markings to signify status. | signify that: Recent changes in climate may signify that global warming is starting to have an effect. 2… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

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