Strung Out

Strung Out
Strung Out
Datos generales
Origen Simi Valley, California, Estados Unidos Flag of the United States.svg
Información artística
Género(s) Hardcore melódico
Punk Rock
Período de actividad 1992 - Presente
Discográfica(s) Fat Wreck Chords
Sitio web
Jason Cruz
Jake Kiley
Rob Ramos
Chris Aiken
Jordan Burns
Antiguos miembros
Adam Austin
Jim Cherry
Brad Morrison

Strung Out es una banda de música punk de Simi Valley, California, EE. UU. formada en 1992. Son conocidos por su estilo musical, el cual mezcla aspectos del punk rock, hardcore melódico, rock progresivo y heavy metal para formar su sonido. Técnicos y agresivos, y aún así melódicos y emocionales, han emergido como una de las bandas más fuertes y creativas del punk melódico de su escena local.



Miembros actuales

  • Jason Cruz - voces
  • Jake Kiley - guitarra
  • Rob Ramos - guitarra
  • Chris Aiken - bajo
  • Jordan Burns - batería

Miembros anteriores

  • Brad Morrison - batería (1992 - 1993)
  • Jim Cherry - bajo (1992 - 1999)
  • Adam Austin - batería (1990 - 1992)


  • Another Day in Paradise (1994)
  • Suburban Teenage Wasteland Blues (1996)
  • Twisted by Design (1998)
  • The Element of Sonic Defiance (2000)
  • An American Paradox (2002)
  • Live In A Dive: Strung Out (2003)
  • Exile In Oblivion (2004)
  • Blackhawks Over Los Angeles (2007)
  • Agents Of The Underground (2009)
  • Top Contenders: The Best of Strung Out (2011)

Enlaces externos

Wikimedia foundation. 2010.

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Mira otros diccionarios:

  • strung out — {adj.}, {slang}, {colloquial} 1. Nervous, jittery, jumpy; generally ill because of drug use or withdrawal symptoms. * /The only explanation I can think of for Max s behavior is that he must be strung out./ 2. To suffer because of a lack of… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • strung out — {adj.}, {slang}, {colloquial} 1. Nervous, jittery, jumpy; generally ill because of drug use or withdrawal symptoms. * /The only explanation I can think of for Max s behavior is that he must be strung out./ 2. To suffer because of a lack of… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • strung-out — adj [not before noun] informal 1.) strongly affected by a drug, so that you cannot react normally = ↑high strung out on ▪ strung out on drugs 2.) extremely tired and worried …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • strung out — [ ,strʌŋ aut ] adjective INFORMAL 1. ) under the influence of illegal drugs: strung out on: He was clearly strung out on heroin. a ) unable to act normally because you have used illegal drugs for a long time 2. ) very tired, nervous, and worried …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • Strung Out — Strung Out …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Strung Out — est un groupe de punk rock, fondé en 1992 aux États Unis. Leur musique est un mélange de punk rock et de métal. Ils sont édités sur le label Fat Wreck Chords . Membres du groupe Jason Cruz au chant Rob Ramos à la guitare Jake Kiley à la guitare… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • strung-out — strung′ out′ adj. Slang. 1) cvb sts severely debilitated from alcohol or drugs 2) addicted to a drug 3) cvb sts physically or emotionally exhausted …   From formal English to slang

  • Strung Out — Infobox musical artist Name = Strung Out Img capt = Strung Out in Adelaide, July 2008. Img size = 320px Landscape = Background = group or band Alias = Origin = Genre = Punk rock Melodic hardcore Years active = 1992 ndash;present Label = Fat Wreck …   Wikipedia

  • strung out — 1. AND strung (up) mod. drug intoxicated and bewildered. (Drugs.) □ Ziggy is really strung out lately. What’s he shooting now? □ Tim is sort of strung out and doesn’t even remember what he took. 2. mod. badly addicted to heroin; dissipated by… …   Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions

  • strung out — 1) ADJ: usu v link ADJ, usu ADJ prep If things are strung out somewhere, they are spread out in a line. Colleges, temples and administrative buildings were strung out on the north side of the river. 2) ADJ GRADED: v link ADJ, usu ADJ on n If… …   English dictionary

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