


Para otros usos de este término, véase Aryabhata (satélite).
Estatua de Aryabhata en India

Aryabhata (hacia 476 - 550) fue el primer gran matemático y astrónomo de la era clásica India. No existe documentación para determinar exactamente su fecha de nacimiento. Hay evidencias disponibles que sugieren un viaje a Kusumapura para realizar estudios superiores, lugar en que vivió y al cual su comentarista Bhāskara I (629) identifica como Pataliputra (actual Patna).

Véase también

  • Anexo:Astrónomos y astrofísicos notables
Obtenido de "Aryabhata"

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Mira otros diccionarios:

  • Aryabhata — I. Aryabhata I. (Devanagari: आर्यभट, Āryabhaṭa; * 476 in Ashmaka; † um 550) war ein bedeutender indischer Mathematiker und Astronom. Geboren in Ashmaka, lebte er später in Kusumapura, das später Bhaskara I. (629) als Pataliputra, das heutige… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Aryabhata II — Āryabhaṭa II (c. 920 – c. 1000) was an Indian mathematician and astronomer, and the author of the Maha Siddhanta. The numeral II is given to him to distinguish him from the earlier and more influential Āryabhaṭa I. Contents 1 Mahasidhanta 2… …   Wikipedia

  • Aryabhata — Âryabhata Statue d Aryabhatta à l IUCAA, Pune. Âryabhata (आर्यभट) est le premier des grands astronomes de l âge classique de l Inde. Il naît en 476 à Ashmaka, mais passe l essentiel de sa vie à Kusumapura que l on identifie généralement comme… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Aryabhata — Aryabhata,   Arjabhata, indischer Mathematiker und Astronom, * Kusumapura bei Patna 21. 3. 476, ✝ um 550. Sein Lehrgedicht »Aryabhatiya« enthält astronomische und mathematische Beiträge. Aryabhata gebrauchte als Erster die Sinusfunktion, löste… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Aryabhata — For other uses, see Aryabhata (disambiguation). Āryabhaṭa Statue of Aryabhata on the grounds of IUCAA, Pune. As there is no known information regarding his appearance, any image of Aryabhata originates from an artist s conception. Born 476 …   Wikipedia

  • Aryabhata I — born 476, possibly Ashmaka or Kusumapura, India Astronomer and the earliest Indian mathematician whose work survives. He composed at least two works, Aryabhatiya (с 499) and the now lost Aryabhatasiddhanta, which circulated mainly in the… …   Universalium

  • Âryabhata — Statue d Aryabhata à l ICAA (en), Pune. Aryabhata ( …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Aryabhata — (n. 476, posiblemente en Ashmaka o Kusumapura, India). Astrónomo y el más antiguo matemático indio cuya obra perdura. Autor de al menos dos obras, Aryabhatiya ( 499) y la ahora perdida Aryabhatasiddhanta, que circularon principalmente en el… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Aryabhata — ▪ Indian space satellite       first unmanned Earth satellite built by India. It was named for a prominent Indian astronomer and mathematician of the 5th century AD. The satellite was assembled at Peenya, near Bangalore, but was launched from… …   Universalium

  • Āryabhaṭa's sine table — is a set of twenty four of numbers given in the astronomical treatise Āryabhaṭiya composed by the fifth century Indian mathematician and astronomer Āryabhaṭa (476–550 CE), for the computation of the half chords of certain set of arcs of a circle …   Wikipedia

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