Tom Jones

Tom Jones

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  • Tom Jones — in Düsseldorf (2009) Tom Jones (bürgerlich Sir Thomas John Woodward), OBE (* 7. Juni 1940 in Trefforest, Pontypridd, Wales, Vereinigtes Königreich) ist ein walisischer Popsänger …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Tom Jones — can refer to:*Tom Jones (singer) (born 1940), Welsh pop music singer *Tommy Lee Jones (born 1946), American actor and director *Tom Jones (writer) (born 1928), lyricist of musical theater *Tom Jones (Australian politician) (born 1924), Australian …   Wikipedia

  • Tom Jones —   [tɔm dʒəʊnz], englisch »The history of Tom Jones, a foundling«, Roman von H. Fielding; englisch 6 Bände, 1749 …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Tom Jones — (1749) a humorous novel by Henry Fielding about the travels, adventures, and sexual relationships of a young man, Tom Jones, whose behaviour is not always moral, but who is still likeable. It is one of the first modern English novels, and it… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Tom Jones — Том Джонс Tom Jones Дата рождения 7 июня 1940 (68 лет) Жанр Поп музыка …   Википедия

  • Tom Jones — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Pour les articles homonymes, voir Jones. Personnes Tom Jones (chanteur) (1940 ), chanteur britannique Tom Jones (pilote), pilote américain de formule 1 …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Tom Jones — noun /ˌtɒm ˈdʒəʊnz,ˌtɑm ˈdʒoʊnz/ A desirable man of loose morals, prone to having sex with many women. All men are not Tom Joneses. The standard of masculine behaviour continues to go up: many of us make fine efforts to conform to it, and some of …   Wiktionary

  • Tom jones (chanteur) — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Tom Jones. Tom Jones …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Tom Jones (opera) — Tom Jones is a comic opera in three acts by Edward German founded upon the Henry Fielding s novel The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling with a libretto by Robert Courtneidge and Alexander M. Thompson and lyrics by Charles H. Taylor. The opera… …   Wikipedia

  • Tom Jones: de l'alcôve à la potence — Tom Jones (film)  Pour l’article homonyme, voir Tom Jones.  Tom Jones Réalisation Tony Richardson Acteurs principaux Albert Finney Susannah York Hugh Griffith Edith Evans …   Wikipédia en Français

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