Dead End

Dead End

Dead End

Dead End
Título Dead End
Ficha técnica
Dirección Jean-Baptiste Andrea
Fabrice Canepa
Producción James Huth
Guión Jean-Baptiste Andrea
Fabrice Canepa
Reparto Ray Wise
Mick Cain
Alexandra Holden
Lin Shaye
Amber Smith
Steve Valentine
Datos y cifras
País(es) Francia
Estados Unidos
Año 2003
Género Terror
Duración 85 minutos
Idioma(s) inglés
Distribución Lions Gate Entertainment
Ficha en IMDb

Dead End (Atajo al infierno) es una película de terror de 2003 dirigida por Jean-Baptiste Andrea y Fabrice Canepa. El rodaje tuvo lugar en Los Ángeles.


Los Harrington son una familia corriente que, como cada Nochebuena, viaja en coche para reunirse con el resto de su prole. Cansado de hacer el trayecto por la misma autopista, el padre de familia -Ray Wise- decide tomar un atajo por la carretera comarcal. Pronto extraños sucesos les adentrarán en una auténtica pesadilla de la que no pueden escapar.

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Wikimedia foundation. 2010.

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Mira otros diccionarios:

  • dead-end — [ded′end΄; ] for vi. [ ded΄end′] adj. 1. having only one exit or outlet [a dead end street] 2. giving no opportunity for progress or advancement [a dead end job ] ☆ 3. [after Dead End, a play (1935) by Sidney Kingsley about New York slum life]… …   English World dictionary

  • dead-end — dead′ end′ adj. 1) cvb terminating in a dead end 2) cvb offering no possibility for advancement: a dead end job[/ex] 3) cvb living in the slums: a dead end kid[/ex] 4) cvb to terminate in a dead end • Etymology: 1885–90 …   From formal English to slang

  • dead end — UK US noun [C] ► a situation that is unlikely to be successful or to make any progress: »We had several customer leads that all turned out to be dead ends. »It s very demoralizing for her; she perceives that her career is at a dead end. reach/hit …   Financial and business terms

  • dead end — n 1.) a street with no way out at one end 2.) a situation from which no more progress is possible come to/reach a dead end ▪ The negotiations have reached a dead end. 3.) dead end job a job with low wages and no chance of progress …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • dead end — dead ends 1) N COUNT If a street is a dead end, there is no way out at one end of it. Syn: cul de sac 2) N COUNT: oft N n A dead end job or course of action is one that you think is bad because it does not lead to further developments or progress …   English dictionary

  • dead end — closed end of a passage, 1886, from DEAD (Cf. dead) + END (Cf. end). Figurative use is attested from 1922. As an adj., from 1928; as a verb, from 1921. Related: Deadender (by 1996) …   Etymology dictionary

  • Dead End EP — EP by Kristofer Åström Released 2003 Genre Singer Songwriter Length 20:46 …   Wikipedia

  • dead end — noun count 1. ) a road or passage that has no way out at one end 2. ) a situation in which no more progress is possible …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • dead end — ► NOUN ▪ an end of a road or passage from which no exit is possible …   English terms dictionary

  • dead end — n. 1. an end of a street, alley, etc. that has no regular exit 2. a situation from which there seems no way to escape, move forward, etc.; an impasse …   English World dictionary

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