

Waffle puede referirse a:

  • Waffle: una especie de torta de galleta.
  • Waffle: un sistema computacional.

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Mira otros diccionarios:

  • Waffle — Waffle, n. [D. wafel. See {Wafer}.] 1. A thin cake baked and then rolled; a wafer. [1913 Webster] 2. A soft indented cake cooked in a waffle iron. [1913 Webster] {Waffle iron}, an iron utensil or mold made in two parts shutting together, used for …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • waffle — Ⅰ. waffle [1] informal ► VERB ▪ speak or write at length in a vague or trivial manner. ► NOUN ▪ lengthy but vague or trivial talk or writing. DERIVATIVES waffler noun waffly adjective. ORIGIN from dial …   English terms dictionary

  • waffle — ☆ waffle1 [wä′fəl ] n. [Du wafel, akin to OHG waba, honeycomb, OE wefan, to WEAVE] a batter cake like a pancake but crisper, baked in a waffle iron, which gives it a gridlike surface adj. having a surface like that of a waffle: also waffled… …   English World dictionary

  • waffle — |uáfel| s. m. [Culinária] O mesmo que gofre. • Plural: waffles.   ‣ Etimologia: palavra inglesa …   Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa

  • waffle — [v] waver change, change one’s mind, equivocate, flip flop*, vacillate, yo yo*;  concept 46 …   New thesaurus

  • Waffle — A waffle is a light batter cake cooked in a waffle iron patterned to give a distinctive and characteristic shape.Varieties of waffle* The Brussels Waffle [ [http://www.aopy00.dsl.pipex.com/recipes/waffles.shtml Brussels Waffle recipe] ] or… …   Wikipedia

  • waffle — [[t]wɒ̱f(ə)l[/t]] waffles, waffling, waffled 1) VERB (disapproval) If you say that someone waffles, you are critical of them because they talk or write a lot without actually making any clear or important points. [BRIT, INFORMAL] My wife often… …   English dictionary

  • waffle — I UK [ˈwɒf(ə)l] / US [ˈwɑf(ə)l] noun Word forms waffle : singular waffle plural waffles 1) [countable] a flat cake that has deep square marks on both sides 2) [uncountable] informal talk or writing that uses a lot of words but does not say… …   English dictionary

  • waffle — waffle1 /wof euhl/, n. 1. a batter cake with a pattern of deep indentations on each side, formed by the gridlike design on each of the two hinged parts of the metal appliance (waffle iron) in which the cake is baked. adj. 2. Also, waffled. having …   Universalium

  • Waffle — To waffle means to talk on and on about nothing. It is not something you eat. Americans often think that Brits waffle on about the weather. The truth of course is that our news reports last 60 120 seconds and the weather man is not hyped up to be …   The American's guide to speaking British

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